Health & Body
An Empty Easter (Renee Returns!)
Editor’s Note: An Empty Easter is Founder Renee Fisher’s return! Thank you Renee for this guest post! Remember, Divas, submissions are open INDEFINITELY 🙂 “Then he was afraid, and he arose and ran for his life…and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he asked that he might die, saying, ‘It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.’” 1 Kings 19:3-4 ESV Elijah didn’t have the strength or the patience to continue. He thought his life was over. So he ran to an empty cave and asked God to die. “God has a different read on the whole situation.…
The Rat’s Nest
I have a rats nest in my hair. I remember one time my hair got so tangled, all because I would just add dry shampoo and quickly run a brush through my hair – not really brushing it out. Then just put it up in a messy bun. This was during my husband’s first time away from me with the military and I was super depressed. I started neglecting my self-care. I started neglecting myself (and my hair) again, and that’s why I have this rats nest. Do my kids look a mess? Does my house? No. But I do, and more importantly, I feel like a mess inside. I…
What Did I Learn Through My Husband’s Stroke? – a devotional
Editor’s Note: This is a guest submission from Sheila Lloyd. Sheila’s husband had a stroke in 2014, and this is part of their story of recovery. Thanks so much, Sheila! WHAT DID I LEARN THROUGH THE STROKE? How I am more like Jesus because of this experience? I WILL ADMIT, WHEN ONE OF MY EDITORS POSED THESE QUESTIONS TO me, I was at a loss. So…as I am flying in a plane at 20,000+ feet, I will endeavor to dive into that question and see what happens. Couldn’t pay me to strap on a parachute and jump, but then again, this kind of feels just as precarious. Do I wish…
Aint No Mountain High Enough
However, as I read my daily devotional a sentence jumped from the page and put a very definite check in my spirit. Prepare for a steep climb. I am teaching you a difficult lesson but do not be afraid. I am with you.
Healthy Lessons from Life
My Mom is the reason why I am aware of healthy eating and healthy living. If it was left to me, I would have made colorful meals with gummy bears, peppermint sticks and lollipops. My Mom would take the candy away and remind me how important it was to get my colors from fruits and vegetables rather than candy. I complied but back then, I thought candy was a better choice.
Unwanted Growth
Bad news filled my ears: “…tumor in your ovary” “ Cancer markers elevated in your blood stream…” “ another tumor even larger on your colon…” “ You will need surgery.” “ We may need to take everything out.” “ You will forever be marked and changed no matter what.” “ This started with you wanting a child, that won’t happen.” “ Getting the bad out of your body is the only thing that matters.”
Social Anxiety & Judging Others
Melody is back today to share what I thought was an interesting take on social anxiety -- if you have social anxiety, are you constantly judging others?
How My Anatomy Class Taught Me About God
I also started the year anxious. Anxious to take what most people consider the hardest class in my major—Human Anatomy. By Maddy Preston
Infertility – Joy In The Darkness
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Naima Johnston Bush. Wow. This is an amazing story on infertility, and Naima has also blessed us with a song today! Thank you, Naima, for having the courage to share your story to spur others forward!] I’ve been blessed to work with students and the Lord, in his infinite wisdom has given me a mother’s heart. There are my college kids from the years I worked in higher education, who lovingly called me Momma, the kids from the youth group where I served as an adult leader who now have kids of their own. I’m so proud and honored to have played a…
Grateful for My Body
Grateful for My Body [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Leslie Uffman, who has an amazing fitness and body confidence story to share today! Leslie competed in triathlons (insert horror face emoji, then two “100” emoji’s here), but still wasn’t happy with her body. Read on for how she became grateful for her body!] “LESLIE, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!” It was May of 2015 and I had been working toward this finish line moment since the summer of the previous year. For anyone who doesn’t know what an Ironman is, it is a long distance triathlon that combines a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and…