20 Ways to Make Every Day Better
20 Ways to Make Every Day Better
By Joyce Meyer
–A Diva Review & Excerpt–
Disclaimer: FaithWords sent me a copy of Joyce Meyer’s new book, 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better for review. I was not compensated.
You divas know I love Joyce Meyer. A lot of my favorites from her are more devotional-based, but I thought her new book was so practical and I loved it.
I also thought this felt like a good post going into spring — I don’t know, spring makes me want to be happier!
In fact, the subtitle of 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better is Simple, Practical Changes with Real Results. I just noticed that as I was looking for the table of contents! I guess I was spot on with my word choice.
Each chapter is a “way” you can make your day better. They are broken down into sections. Each chapter has “suggestions” at the end, which are, again, very practical and in my opinion very original. Here is one from the Chapter entitled Be Patient with Yourself:
Suggestions for Putting “Be Patient with Yourself” into Practice:
Write up to three “Get out of Jail Free” cards. Give them to yourself when you mess up in the future. You don’t have to live in a jail of condemnation.
The next time you are feeling overwhelmed or impatient with yourself, stop and count to twenty. Allow God to speak to you in those twenty seconds, reminding you to be patient with yourself.
Write down your intentions–not your actions–for your life and those around you. That list describes what I call your “heart motives.” You may not always be perfect, but God sees your heart. Ask Him to help you line up your actions with your intentions in the future.
I picked that chapter’s suggestions because I thought they were most unique. Maybe you need to be a little more patient with yourself right now — I hope this can be an inspiration to you!
FaithWords also let me know about a promotion they’re having that I wanted to pass along:
If you purchase the book before April 31st, you’ll receive a free downloadable sampler from Joyce Meyer that includes Living Beyond Your Feelings, Battlefield of the Mind (my fav), Overload, and Let God Fight Your Battles.
Just follow this link: http://www.faithwords.com/20ways. And fill in your name, email, and upload a copy of your receipt.
This post contained an excerpt from the book 20 Ways to Make Every Day Better by Joyce Meyer and was used with permission.