Lessons from Prophetess Huldah
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Remi Roy. It is the next installment in her series of guest posts focused on people in the Bible! Check out the first one on Priscilla and the second on the Proverbs 31 Superwoman. Thanks again, Remi, for blessing Devotional Diva with your writings! Today we are learning lessons from the Prophetess Huldah.]
Lessons from Prophetess Huldah
Focus and attention are the paths to greatness and significance.
This is both a natural and a spiritual principle. To be good at something we need to pay attention to it, we need to practice and work at it. It’s a simple and straight forward thought; demanding, but doable and we apply it in our work and even at play.
However, it is the same with spiritual things. If we want more of God, we need to spend more time in His presence. And just like with Moses it will be obvious to anyone around us that we have something that’s more than the ordinary.
Exodus 34:35
they saw that his face was radiant. Then Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with the Lord.
Huldah was one woman who also exemplified this. She was a Prophet in her day. She was attuned to God’s presence and, for that, she was trusted and relied on to give guidance to the King concerning a matter of grave importance.
I doubt that Huldah spent time with God and sought him every day just to be the King’s adviser. She did it because that was who she was. And when the time came for wisdom to be sought, she was called upon.
It’s the same with us today. We cannot make great contributions to our world if we never do something different. We cannot bring God’s wisdom into human affairs if we do not take the time to seek Him. He is the creator of heaven and earth. Who better to give us the tools to make a difference in the world than the one who made it all?
Deuteronomy 4:29
But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.
The Lord is always near. Let us seek Him with all our hearts.
Remi Roy lives, writes and enjoys being in Dallas, Texas. She is passionate about her purpose which is following God every step of the way no matter the details. She is an author and writing coach and editor of Purpose Anthologies, a collection of personal life journeys. You can find her at remiroyonline.com. Or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.