Anxiety in a Christian Woman’s Life
Anxiety in a Christian Woman’s Life
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Melody Quinn. I really appreciated Melody’s outlook on anxiety in a Christian woman’s life and I hope you do, too. We have a few posts on Devotional Diva on this topic, because it is not uncommon and certainly nothing to be ashamed of! Be encouraged.]
I am a Christian woman who has struggled with anxiety all of my life.
It has only been in recent years that I have begun to explore my identity outside of this statement. In my search to understand my identity as the Lord created me, I began to look at how anxiety has touched all aspects of my life. What I found surprised me. I found that the roots of anxiety ran deep through every part of me, but God’s light shone brighter.
God can use whatever he chooses in our lives, whether it is good or evil in nature, to accomplish his glory. With this in mind, I studied how anxiety was connected to my faith walk and my spiritual gifts. My relationship with others and with myself. Basically every part of my life.
Anxiety is a part of the universal human experience. Those of us who find anxiety more than a mere occasional stumbling block may feel like anxiety is the cage through whose bars you see the world. I’ve been there. I still feel that way myself at times. But at other times I see anxiety for the purpose it could serve – opportunities to grow in my faith.
I could provide you with my own personal definition of anxiety, but even if I could form recognizable words from my thoughts, it simply wouldn’t resonate with anyone else so well. Instead, here is a powerful definition from from “Anxiety is an uneasy feeling of uncertainty, agitations, drear or fear. In the Bible, anxiety is frequently depicted as the common human reaction to stressful circumstances…Anxiety is portrayed in the scripture as begin inconsistent with trust in God…Anxiety frequently manifests itself in ungodly concern about provisions, performance, or reputation, and appears to be rooted in incomplete knowledge, lack of control over circumstances or failure to take an ‘eternal’ perspective on things.”
My deepest wish is that my words will reach others who have been struggling with anxiety. I want to tell you that you are not alone, you are not broken, and there is nothing wrong with you simply because you are struggling with anxiety. I have felt all of these things. It breaks my heart to think that there are others who might currently believe those lies.
We are strong, beautiful children of God. The journey towards healing begins by recognizing God’s true identity, and ours. Anxiety doesn’t mean that we have failed being a Christian in some way. It means that we are human.
Here are some ways that I’ve seen the Lord use my anxiety and the anxiety of those around me to create something good. These are just a few examples. As you continue to seek God’s will in this matter, I believe that He will begin to do wonderful things in your life.
- Anxiety is a tool that teaches you to rely on God in all things. I’ve come to realize that anxiety does serve a very important role in my life. If anxiety can teach to rely more on God, day by day, little by little, then that is all that matters.
- Anxiety can be turned into a prayer-filled life. The easiest way to turn anxiety back around is to use those moments as chances to seek God in prayer. When you start to feel anxious get down on your knees.
- Anxiety will make you more accessible to others. We have all dealt with paralyzing anxiety at one point or another in our lives. There is nothing more humbling, or more gratifying, than knowing that someone else has struggled with the same problems that you have. We are meant to help strengthen each other.
- Anxiety can motivate you to lead an active faith life. Anxiety is an active state of being. Our faith is meant to be active as well. The fight is not easy, but we do not have to walk around in a constant state of fear and hopelessness. But there is a catch Your relationship with the Lord must grow. You must let Him help you.
I hope that by sharing this small piece of my story, that you have been encouraged to draw closer to God in your daily lives. As a final parting gift, here are some verses from God’s Word that have show like beacons of light in my life. Please take them to heart: Jeremiah 1:5; Romans 8:28-30; Jeremiah 29:11; Philippians 4:4-7; Matthew 6:25-27.
Melody Quinn is an associate editor for TouchPoint Press. She graduated from Stephen F. Austin in 2014 with a BA in English and Technical Writing. When she isn’t working, she enjoys reading YA and fantasy books, writing stories, cooking and baking for her husband, and playing with her guinea pig. She currently attends North Fort Worth Baptist Church.