• Health & Body

    5 Tips For Healthy Living

    [Monthly Columnist – Jaimie Bowman. I met Jaimie at the ReThink Conference. We were both volunteers who were eagle to serve and learn from others. We’ve since kept in touch and I’ve referred her to my former literary agent. I appreciate her feedback on how to stay healthy when it’s not something that comes easy for you. Enjoy!!] Eating healthy AND exercising don’t seem to co-exist well in my life. If I’m doing good in one area, I am struggling in the other.  If I eat really healthy one day, it’s like my mind says to my body, “Yay! Good for you! As your reward, you don’t have to work…

  • Relationships

    An Introvert Living In An Extrovert World

    [Monthly Columnist- Rebekah Synder. I appreciate the fact that I am able to challenge Rebekah without even realizing it. I just simply ask her to post on something I think she would be great at, and then before I know it she’s tweeting me about how it’s the one thing she never wanted to write on. I say it’s all God. Enjoy her piece.] During my teen years, my parents called me the hermit. Whenever I would surface from spending hours alone in my room, they would make a big deal about the hermit coming out of her cave, and I would simply roll my eyes, polish off a peanut…

  • Faith,  Relationships

    Living By Myself

    [Guest Post by Jessica Baumgardner. Jessica and I connected on Facebook and I asked her to write a piece on living together by herself. She thought I was crazy, but I’m so glad she did! She has a big heart and has been through a lot. I think we could all learn a lot from her, actually!] I have always believed in God my entire life, but I never had a relationship with Him or even knew what that meant. I was forced to go to church when I was younger and I did not understand anything about it. My parents finally stopped making us go once I got to…

  • Relationships

    Moving Out and Living On Your Own

    A day or so after I decided on the theme for March–I read an article in the February 2013 issue of Marie Claire that caught my attention. It was written by a young and witty woman named Lauren Mechling. In her article House Mate, she says, “At 26, I moved into a typical Brooklyn apartment–two bedrooms connected by a windowless living room–with a good friend…When we signed the lease, my roommate was nursing a broken heart and wanted a fresh start. But a few months later, her ex started to appear with increasing frequency, lounging on the sofa and strumming a guitar in his pajamas. One afternoon, a month before…

  • Faith,  Health & Body

    Suicide And Depression

    [Guest Post by Karen Neumair] – I like to run. Notice I didn’t call myself a runner, because that would imply that I am actually good at it. Me and my 13-minute mile–look out, world! Most people assume that I started running to lose weight, and I tend to let most people think that. Because the real reason is a lot less glamorous, a lot darker. I started running to beat depression. And not just your average, run-of-the-mill depressive episode that many of us experience from time to time, but the more sinister, dark-night-of-the-soul depression, the kind where you don’t remember to eat, you don’t have the strength to get…

  • Health & Body

    On Anxiety: An Adulterous Relationship Breakup

    [Guest Post by Rebecca Halton] – Entangled in an adulterous relationship in my early 20s, I was no stranger to anxiety. I lost unhealthy amounts of weight and sleep.  I isolated myself, sequestered by secrecy and shame.  I was drowning under the weight of worry, fear, paranoia, shame and self-loathing. And even as a believer already, I felt too “disqualified,” too unworthy, to seek the One who I knew could rescue me. What then?  That’s when I started to “circle the wagons”– to rally people in my life for prayer and counsel. The concept isn’t mine, but I know it’s inspired by the defense mechanism of settlers pioneering the West.…

  • Relationships

    10 Tips Online Dating

    [Disclaimer from Renee] – Since I have tried and failed at online dating–including a date where the guy literally tried to get me to sleep with him –I wanted to paint not only a positive but godly view of online dating. That doesn’t mean that eHarmony is the ONLY place to meet a future spouse or that Christian Mingle is correct in their advertising slogan “Find God’s Match For You.” It’s up to you and God to figure out if online dating is right for you. Please welcome my friend Julie as she shares her success story. [Guest Post by Julie Anne Wilson] – 10 Tips Online Dating There are…

  • Health & Body

    Anxiety is a Gift

    [Guest Post by Teri Antti] – Anxiety is a Gift? Yes! A Blessing! I once read that true peace can only be sustained when what you say, what you believe and what you do are all the same thing. At the time I read this anonymous quote, my thoughts, beliefs and actions were as far from being aligned as you could possible imagine. I was in a season during which my anxiety was at an all time high. I could not leave my house. Fear had  found its way into every ounce of my being. I was rapidly loosing the confidence to even parent my three daughters. I had a…

  • On Writing

    On Writing: Interview with Jeff Goins

    I wasn’t going to post this week since I started working on my fourth manuscript, but was delighted to hear from Jeff Goins. This month’s series on writing was all about helping new authors learn to Start Writing Now #StartWritingNow. Also, if you missed the series, I posted an easy way to view all of them on Pinterest. I hope this month’s series has been encouraging–and I wanted to say thanks again to all those who contributed. You are a blessing to me. Here is my recent interview with Jeff Goins on the subject of writing. “What would you say are the five most important tips to starting a writing…

  • On Writing

    How to Start Journaling

    Here are a few tips on how to start journaling daily. First, watch the video and then read the tips! 1. Start with, “Dear God” instead of “Dear Journal” or “Dear Diary.” As I said in the video, life is busy and there isn’t a lot of time to write fluffy things or draw hearts and rainbows in your journal. Use your journal instead to be intentional during your quiet time or devotional time with God. 2. Journaling Brings Healing I didn’t start out to be a writer or published author. In fact, I wanted to be a high school math teacher (algebra). It’s kind of cool to look back…