
  • longing for loneliness
    Devotionals,  Faith,  Family,  Military Life,  Relationships

    Longing for Loneliness

    I thought I knew what loneliness was, and I avoided it at all costs. Before my husband died, there were many times I felt lonely and ran from it. I filled my schedule with errands, my days with household chores, and it seemed to help.

  • Devotionals,  Faith,  Relationships

    Trusting God: How I Met and Married the Love of My Life in Two Months (and what happened after)

    My name is Tara and I’ve been saved for twenty-four years. I just got married to my best friend last year, May 2016. I grew up in Charleston, SC but am now residing in Johnson City, TN. I have two cats, a love for books, and a passion for following Jesus and writing. The past year and a half have been some of the most challenging times of my life. It began with a whirlwind romance to my now-husband, Justin. We met online at Christian Mingle. We texted for about a week and then decided to meet in person. We dated for a month and a half. During this time,…

  • agnes-amos-god-cares-every-season
    Devotionals,  Faith,  Family,  Relationships

    God Cares For Me In Every Season

    Nothing that happens in your life is impossible for Him to handle (Luke 1: 37). He will do the impossible for you in each of these seasons. He is the God that can convert your pain to gain and cause all things to work together for your good (Romans 8: 28). I had to learn that lesson, and you may need to learn it too. Perhaps, you will discover—like I did—the God who waits to help you in your seasons of singleness, marriage, or divorce.

  • single again
    Devotionals,  Relationships

    Single Again

    When I realized my marriage was over,  I questioned everything that I ever believed about God. I questioned His goodness, I questioned His love and I wondered how a good God could allow something so devastating to happen. Days, months and even years of unexpected emotion would resurface and I would fall down on my knees to ask God why.  God hates divorce, so then He must hate me, right? Then it hit me, God wasn't trying to scold me, push me into submission, or teach me a lesson... He was actually showing me His love and goodness.

  • categories of friends
    Devotionals,  Relationships

    Categories of Friends

    [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Ayodele Oluwafunsho — the third installment in her friendship series. You can check out her last post, Why Do You Need Friends? and the first post, We Are Meant to Relate by following the links!] Categories of Friends In making friends, you will come across this set of people; 1) Those that came to use you: These people are not sincere, they don’t tell you the truth about who you are and they don’t say the truth about who they are. They will praise you in the morning, afternoon and at night, so that the praise can cover up their agenda. They will…

  • why do you need friends
    Devotionals,  Relationships

    Why Do You Need Friends

    [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Ayodele Oluwafunsho. “Why Do You Need Friends” is a follow-up post to her last guest blog on Devotional Diva on the topic of friendship: “We Are Meant to Relate.” Look out for even more friendship posts from Oluwafunsho!] WHY DO YOU NEED FRIENDS? My last post was about what Friendship is and what it entails. Today, I would like to discuss two other important aspects of Friendship. Why do you need friends?  You are a product of people’s inputs; whoever you have in your life is either adding to you or subtracting from you. This either brings a positive or a negative input into…

  • modesty story
    Devotionals,  Faith,  Relationships

    My Modesty Story

      [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Hannah Anderson. Today Hannah is sharing her personal modesty story — and I commend her for that. Everyone has different modesty standards today; let’s face it, there’s no cut and dry rules. Hannah felt led to share and I love the lesson in her story! Thank you Hannah for being brave!] A twenty-something Christian woman who always always held herself up to Christian standards of purity and modesty (sort of, more on that later) and wore her father’s purity ring he gave her a decade prior with pride. This woman always liked to talk about how above the world and the…

  • no fairy tale marriages
    Devotionals,  Family,  Relationships

    No Fairy Tale Marriages

    [This is a guest post by Melody Quinn. As a fellow Disney lover, I’m completely on the same page as Melody. Honestly though, even if I didn’t love Disney, I think I’d agree with this marriage advice! Thanks again, Melody, Bravo!] No Fairy Tale Marriages My childhood was filled with Disney movies and fairy tales. I read and re-read books full of original and modern fairy tales. I re-watched every Disney movie a hundred times, and still watch them to the annoyance of my husband. I used to attend dances and banquets with my imaginary prince. My childhood room was plastered with Disney posters. My own choice, my mother likes…

  • Devotionals,  Relationships

    Thankful for My Husband

    [Editor’s Note: Today I am welcoming back veteran Diva Sarah Coleman to congratulate her on the release of her new book, Together: A Journey Of Godly Marriage. Glad to have you back with this timely Thanksgiving piece, Sarah!] It is the time of year when we are thankful. Thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed upon our lives. Yet sometimes there are blessings right under our noses that escape notice. Blessings we take for granted. People in our lives we forget to thank. “Oh, they know how much I love and appreciate them.” Do they? I met my husband when I was thirty-one. After ten years of my adult life…

  • Devotionals,  Family,  Relationships

    Why I Chose to Marry Young – Revisited

      This post was originally published on Devotional Diva on June 8th, 2014. I decided that since my husband Brandon and I will be celebrating 5 years of marriage this month, I wanted to rework this post since I (personally) feel it’s one of my most important. Also, there will be no new Devotional Diva posts next week because we will be off celebrating our anniversary! (side note: Devotional Diva founder Renee Fisher also recently celebrated 5 years! Congrats!)   I chose to marry young — at 19, to be exact.   Brandon and I have a fairy tale love story – with some major kinks thrown in. We had…