He Came to Save! Short and Sweet Christmas Devotionals
[Editor’s Note: This is a Christmas guest post by Priscilla J. Krahn and is part of the Short and Sweet Christmas series. Want to get caught up with the series? Here’s day 1. day 2. day 3. day 4. and more information about Short and Sweet. Please continue to enjoy and have a merry Christmas season!]
The smell of pine, the dropping temperatures that freeze your nose, peppermint fudge and lattes to dazzle your senses. Lights everywhere, carols you’ve heard a million times being played through every shopping mall, family traditions, and a baby in the manger. It’s Christmas.
Jesus is the reason for the season! You’ve probably heard that phrase. Yes, the baby in the manger, is the reason for the season, but why? Why does Jesus’ birth mean so much? At my house, we have a lot of Christmas traditions, and one of the ones that I’ve gotten involved in a lot the last few years, is a giving tradition. We wrap up DVDs that shares the gospel, tie a candy cane and bow around them, and go around the town giving them out door-to-door. Why? Because the baby in the manger was more than just a baby, and He didn’t come just so that we can celebrate with eggnog and bonbons.
1 Timothy 1:15 says, “…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;” That’s why He came. It wasn’t to give us a holiday, it wasn’t to be born in a manger, He came to save sinners. At Christmas time, a time of giving and remembering the gift that God gave, my family and I give the gift of Christ to others. The reason for the season is not that a baby was born in a manger. The reason for the season is that Jesus came to save us!
The shepherds left the manger and told everyone what they had seen and heard! How often do we tell people what Christ has done in our lives? How often do we ‘go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and EVERYWHERE’? Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners! What better time to receive His gift of salvation, then at Christmas. If you’ve never accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation, He’s offering it to you. If you have accepted the gift, how can you share that gift with others this Christmas?
Easy ways to share Christ at Christmas, include sending a gospel tract with each of your Christmas cards, giving gospel tracts to cashiers as you shop, and showing the love of Christ to all. Let’s take this Christmas to tell everyone about the greatest gift. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners!
Priscilla J. Krahn is the author of Mission of a Lifetime and six other books. (www.priscillajkrahn.com) She lives on a farm in northern Minnesota where she enjoys coffee, writing, and blogging at www.priscillakrahn.blogspot.com. She gave her life to Jesus at a young age and now enjoys sharing what God’s been teaching her, with others.