Drifting Perfection
This week has been filled with tears, laughter and exhaustion. It's been 4 years to the month that my late husband, Shane, and I took our children to Colorado on a ski trip. For years I wanted to go again, but the fears of traveling alone after my husband died, kept me from ever embarking on this adventure.
Until I made a decision to just BE. with or without I am STILL…. ALL OF IT. I had to get to a point were nothing else mattered but how I felt about myself, my GOD and my LIFE…
God’s Way or Your Way?
God’s Way or Your Way? [This is a guest story by contributor Agnes Amos-Coleman. If you missed her last post, it’s right here: The What Ifs. This post is regarding following God’s way rather than our own…such a good reminder!] I don’t know about you, in the past, I have prayed for situations in my life to change and in the process, I attempted to manipulate God for answers. In this situation, God did answer my prayer but it wasn’t His direct will for my life but His permissive will. As you can imagine the consequences of the answers to my prayer were disastrous but because of the mercy of God,…
Aint No Mountain High Enough
However, as I read my daily devotional a sentence jumped from the page and put a very definite check in my spirit. Prepare for a steep climb. I am teaching you a difficult lesson but do not be afraid. I am with you.
The Race is On
Every year our YMCA organizes a 10K run and a 5K walk. I walk. When I first started out participating, I had this notion that I should be able to win. Soon I learned that the winners are 30 years old, not senior citizens.
How I Found My True Calling
At the beginning of the year, I started teaching and mentoring young ladies about faith, personal growth and character development. I also started writing and will publish my first book very soon. Dare I say that I feel like a square peg in a square hole.
Longing for Loneliness
I thought I knew what loneliness was, and I avoided it at all costs. Before my husband died, there were many times I felt lonely and ran from it. I filled my schedule with errands, my days with household chores, and it seemed to help.
Where There Is Peace
This is a guest poem by veteran Diva writer Ana Nunez. A little over a year ago, Ana submitted a devotional called "Fully Known and Truly Loved" (read that here.) and this year, she said she was working on some poetry. I feel like Ana's poem, "Where There Is Peace" is such a good companion piece to that first devotional about God's love for us!
Healthy Lessons from Life
My Mom is the reason why I am aware of healthy eating and healthy living. If it was left to me, I would have made colorful meals with gummy bears, peppermint sticks and lollipops. My Mom would take the candy away and remind me how important it was to get my colors from fruits and vegetables rather than candy. I complied but back then, I thought candy was a better choice.
The “Weight” of Waiting
This is a guest blog by Renee’ M. Beavers. As a Navy wife, I definitely a struggle sometimes with the "weight" of waiting!