[This is a guest story by Nekia Foxx. Those two little words, “I AM” are so powerful! Hope this is an encouragement to you today.]
“I AM.”
It’s funny how such a simple word proceeds the most Prolific AND POWERFUL elements of self. I’m grateful to have experienced life those far from many different angles. I’ve chosen after it all to put me FIRST… I’ve taken the route of pouring into another vessel expecting them to do the same… epic fail every time. I’ve headed the route of needed constant validation from another which only drained me dry… At the end of the day you ate your biggest, cheerleader, prayer warrior, teammate, lover, friend and the list goes on.
I’ve come to the conclusion that no one will love you more than the LORD. And by building a relationship with him he will show you your true self and teach you how to love yourself like never before.
Something as simple as getting in the mirror and looking at yourself straight in the eyes. Telling your essence how POWERFUL you are. How beautiful and proud you are. How much you LOVE EVERYTHING about yourself your strengths and weaknesses.
I am the most amazing vessel in the world. I am chosen for GREATNESS. I am meek, gentle, kind, thoughtful, loved and loving, patient, bold, brilliant, prosperous, motivated, victorious and the list never ends of the goodness of God that resides in me…
Until I made a decision to just BE. with or without I am STILL…. ALL OF IT. I had to get to a point were nothing else mattered but how I felt about myself, my GOD and my LIFE…
The enemy sets you up to attract everything you don’t want until you see your own worth. The moment you acknowledge your own worth you begin to operate in the essence of ABUNDANCE and the lack connection is stripped away from you.
Growing up I constantly sought the attention and love from my father. And this AMAZING man of a dad wasn’t allowed to reciprocate the LOVE emotionally that I so yearned for. Which lead to me thinking I was never enough. I would go far and beyond to do everything to just get a “GOOD job” from him. But nothing ever seemed like it was enough. I was an overachiever, cleaned the house, didn’t sneak out with boys, my name wasn’t around town, made good grades but no matter what I still got the same treatment. Which over time I built up a wall to protect my feelings and got so cold hearted internally as a defense mechanism. I carried that on for years…
Even in my adult life I attracted lots of men that knew I was an amazing woman but just couldn’t express it. Which caused me to repeat the same cycle from my childhood over and over again. Not receiving love, and expecting the worse… so Ms. GUARDED was my name. That disposition has gone on so long until It started to affect everything about me. I was constantly defensive, always confrontational and abrasive and in reality I was just scared. I finally got to a point where the depression and lack of sleep could no longer continue. Remind you from the outside everything was GREAT, Very successful, looked cute but miserable… I cried out to GOD… and he showed me the root cause of my pain. It all stemmed from me not loving my own self which made it hard to even receive GOD’S LOVE, which was the only way to really be healed from it all.
At the end of the day the old route was continuous torture so I wanted more. I didn’t want my biggest fears to stay my constant REALITY. Which was not living my best life and never being truly happy.
That’s when I got the courage to BELIEVE I was AMAZING… even if no one else said it agreed I started to BELIEVE it. I noticed my spirit coming back into my body… It was a process but through GOD Grace and MERCY he restored my soul… the depression started to leave, my heart started to beat again with hope and I finally was able to smile just to be alive…
That’s why loving THYSELF is the biggest task that yields the greatest rewards in our lives. I’m grateful to stand in my power TODAY because this chocolate sister fought long and hard to be here, in my right mind and in the NOW…
YOU are the best thing that has ever happened to this earth and I want you to know that I love you but, GOD the great I am that I AM… LOVES YOU MORE👼
Nekia Foxx also known as the ” Transformation Engineer ” is a Master Stylist and CEO/ Founder of Nekia Foxx & Co. better recognized as ” The Transformation Place”. She is a transformational thinker and an impassioned speaker, best selling Author and Certified General Contractor.
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