Devotional Diva Turns 10!
What started out as one woman bravely sharing her story of overcoming incredible odds became a mantra to spur others forward to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
Grace for the Least of Us (Especially Me)
"I can't prove what's in his heart, Heather," she said, "but I believe him when he says he is saved."
Life is Chaos
It seems like no matter how much we clean the house or try to check off our never-ending to-do lists, we just cannot catch up. Ever.
Vital and Green
But the godly will flourish like palm trees . . . Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, "The LORD is just! He is my Rock! There is no evil in Him!" Psalms 92:12-15
Say No to Crises
Crises! Crises! Crises! One crises seem to follow another, doesn’t it? I recall a season in my life when I was in one crises, getting ready to come out of it whilst another one was waiting right around the corner.
Daddys Home
It's that sigh of relief when you hear the garage door open and the kids start jumping up and down or when he texts and says, "be home soon". It's a moment like no other. Your partner, your love, your friend, your help...he's home.
Why I am saying ‘Just Because’ a lot more these days
We simply gathered the kiddos into the car on any empty Saturday morning and headed from the Philly Suburbs up to NYC… 'Just Because.'
Introducing the Secret Story Series
If you’re given the gift of writing, if you feel called to share, to bravely spill your guts on the page (because it is an act of bravery, to ignore the inner voice, to ignore the voice of critics, to be truly vulnerable) you no longer have to be afraid of anything. If you’re not ready to post a bio or picture with your story, as part of the 2018 10th anniversary of Devotional Diva, I’m opening up anonymous submissions.
His Grace is Sufficient
I had a complaint-no I had many complaints. These complaints I reviewed, meditated on, and professed every morning as I sat in my time with the Lord.
Is it Horror or Humor?
Get this visual in your mind: two octogenarians are racing to make their plane's connection after arriving 40 minutes late from their previous flight. Rain had delayed the flight of origin, and the lag-time was scrunched into a mere 20 minutes.