Passing On the Faith
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest blog by Remi Roy. I love this devotional about passing on the faith! Previously, she wrote on Priscilla and the Art of Focus, The Proverbs 31 Superwoman, and Lessons from the Prophetess Huldah.]
Eunice and Lois
Paul paints a beautiful picture of Eunice and Lois in 2 Timothy 1:5:
”I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”
He’s talking about Timothy, his son in the faith and he references a quality that seems to run through their family. Faith. Unfeigned faith. The ‘tradition’ started with Lois, the grandmother, who passed on and encouraged faith in her daughter, Lois.
This is such a great testimony to the faith and commitment of these women to pass down something more than wealth and riches to their offspring. It is an even greater encouragement for us as Christians to pay attention to the things that matter.
What traits do our little ones see in us? Are we only Christians on Sundays? Do we inspire faith in them or confuse them with the disconnect between what we say we believe and how we live?
Let’s take a cue from these women. Lois and Eunice raised a great man who made a significant contribution to the spread of the gospel. We know little else about them, yet their faith, genuine and unpretentious, still inspires us today.
Let’s pray for grace to walk the talk with genuine intention.
Remi Roy lives, writes and enjoys being in Dallas, Texas. She is passionate about her purpose which is following God every step of the way no matter the details. She is an author and writing coach and editor of Purpose Anthologies, a collection of personal life journeys. You can find her at Or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.