Say No to Crises
Say No to Crises
(Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by contributor Agnes Amos-Coleman. I have to say this is probably the most relevant to my life devotional I’ve ever read. “Midnight crises,” as my husband calls them, are my specialty. Don’t forget to check out Agnes’ last post, Experiencing God’s Love.)
Crises! Crises! Crises! One crises seem to follow another, doesn’t it? I recall a season in my life when I was in one crises, getting ready to come out of it whilst another one was waiting right around the corner. It was physically, emotionally and spiritually draining.
With the help of the Holy Spirit, I started to recall a time in my life when all hope was lost but God supernaturally intervened – this was the beginning of my victory over my crises situations.
My friends, how do we respond to crises situations in our lives. The word of God assures us of His unfailing love and promises to us. However, we are required to act and be intentional with our faith and never fail to:
- Remember God loves us and he is on our side no matter what the situation looks and feels like. (Zephaniah 3:17)
- Praise Him during our crises (Psalm 92:1-2)
- Decide to be positive with our words and thoughts by meditating and speaking the word of God into our life (Joshua 1:8)
- Affirm our expectation as if it has already come to pass (Romans 4:18-21)
- Replace negative with positive thoughts (1 Samuel 17:33-37)
- Take captive of every thoughts that is not of God (Philippians 4:8)
Christ follower, realign your thinking with God’s words and say No to crises. If you are currently not a Christ follower, Jesus loves you – come and experience Him today.
All glory to God!
Agnes is a leader with proven business acumen in a variety of industries. She holds an executive MBA from the University of Hull, United Kingdom, and is also a Certified Meeting Planner (CMP). She is the author of Transforming Business with Godly Governance: Nine Characteristics for Workplace Success; God Cares for Me in Every Season: Godly Insights for Singleness, Marriage and Divorce; The Provisions of God: Insights from a Cat Named Mascot, and Weekly Insights for the Workplace: A Devotional for Christian Professionals
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