Devotional Diva Turns 10!
On July 15, 2008, founder Renee Johnson (now Renee Fisher) wrote on Facebook that her work was cut out for her thanks to her coach. That was the day was born!
Editor’s Note: I asked Renee to share
It was my (Renee’s) dream to become a published author, and my coach, Marcia Ramsland, suggested I use as my website and brand because I had already blogged hundreds of devotionals.
I worked hard to launch the website in September and bought the trademark. Within a few short months, I had a literary agent and a publisher for my first book, a 365-daily devotional for 20-somethings entitled Faithbook of Jesus.
My first book sold so well that I was offered a second contract from NavPress. Then the economy tanked and my contract was canceled. I had no idea what God was up to or what might come next.
Another dream of mine came true, In 2011, I married a wonderful man and God gave me a new identity, and not just because of my new last name. He called me “Peaceful” despite my health issues of anxiety and severe eczema.
What started out as one woman bravely sharing her story of overcoming incredible odds became a mantra to spur others forward to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24).
I had no idea that God would use my voice to empower hundreds of women to share their story so they too could be set free.
It was such a comfort for me to create an online platform that encouraged women to share their joys as well as their sufferings. I loved inviting women, as well as being asked by many women for the opportunity to share their story.
When Devotional Diva® took on a life of its own, I knew it was time to pass the baton to the next generation. It was never mine, to begin with. I was just the steward!
I met Maggie Winterton at the San Diego Christian Writers Guild in 2013 when she asked if she could share her story. Her courage to talk openly about her trials and tribulations inspired me.
The next year, I felt called to step down as Editor-in-Chief.
After Maggie saw my original decision to end Devotional Diva, she felt God compelling her to email me and offer to help keep DD up.
If it wasn’t for Maggie’s courage once more, Devotional Diva® would have ended.
It felt like an Abraham moment when God asked me to sacrifice my baby. Not only was Maggie the only person to ask me, she now owns the website and the trademark. This is a relief to me because I am no longer a devotional writer. I help women self-publish their stories with the world on my website here. I don’t have enough words to say thank you to the many women, including Maggie herself who bravely shared and will continue to share their story.
The bravest thing we can do is to use the voice God gave us to speak up and share from the heart. To be open about all the things.

Renee Fisher is an author, coach