The Power of a Godly Friend
[Guest post by Ozella Morris: Ozella’s story of the power of a godly friend is inspiring. I hope all of you surround yourself with encouraging friends like this!]
Malachi 3:16 -Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In His presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared Him and always thought about the honor of His name.
We will come in contact with so many different individuals throughout our lives.
It’s very easy to make fast friends or to overlook opportunities of true relationships. The Bible lets us know there is true power in who you choose to be a part of your life. It can either strengthen your relationship with God or have the opposite effect. It’s natural to feel timid around those who seem to have a more mature relationship with God than you. However, those believers are usually the ones who can strengthen you the most.
I can recall a conversation I had in the midst of one of my best friends before we even knew we would be friends.
We were at the very first Bible study held at our freshmen residence hall. The topic was concerning being genuine in the eyes of God. I was sharing a testimony of how I felt about being one way in church and one way out of church as a new follower of Christ. At this point, I hadn’t read much of my Bible, so I didn’t know which verses went along with what I was feeling at that time. I just felt compelled to speak out. After the Bible study, she came up to me and told me how brave I was for sharing those comments.
She had been on her Faith walk a lot longer than I had, had grown up in the church, and could recite Scriptures like no other, but none of that mattered.
We’ve been able to honestly share in Christ since that evening. We’ve been there for each other through the happiest of times and the lowest, always ready to share what the Lord has already given us through His Word. These times we share together are not only remembered by us through photos and Facebook statuses, but God also takes note of them.
As followers of Christ, we aren’t trying to keep up with ever changing trends and gossip to stay connected. Our common bond of having a hunger for God’s Word is what allows the Lord to intervene whenever we need to be encouraged. Have you ever felt like you had a sudden burst of energy once you finished talking to a friend? I believe those feelings are ways the Holy Spirit provides confirmation that you have been acknowledged by God.
It’s a true asset to have people around you who have God’s Word in them.
There is no better advice than the advice of a Proverb or a few words from the apostle Peter. God holds us accountable for the type of advice we share with others. It should never be in the spirit of what we would do but in the spirit of what is most pleasing to the Lord.
Count yourselves twice as blessed if you have friends, family, and coworkers around you to continuously keep your mind on serving God and each other the way He would want you to. Even though we live in a fast-paced world, we should all try to make an effort to leave a positive impression of Christ on those we meet. This not only pleases God but makes us happier and more fulfilled individuals.
Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
I’m Ozella Morris, a 26 year old Certified Medical Assistant from Birmingham, Alabama. I’ve been encouraged by other women in Christ to be all that God has predestined me to be. With Christ in my life, I can laugh, love, and enjoy my portion, knowing that things are provided for those who trust in Him! Be blessed and be a blessing to others!
photo credit: VinothChandar via photopin cc