• Lifting the veil with Prophetess Huldah
    Devotionals,  Faith

    Lessons from Prophetess Huldah

    [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Remi Roy. It is the next installment in her series of guest posts focused on people in the Bible! Check out the first one on Priscilla and the second on the Proverbs 31 Superwoman. Thanks again, Remi, for blessing Devotional Diva with your writings! Today we are learning lessons from the Prophetess Huldah.] Lessons from Prophetess Huldah Focus and attention are the paths to greatness and significance. This is both a natural and a spiritual principle. To be good at something we need to pay attention to it, we need to practice and work at it. It’s a simple and straight forward…

  • Bobbie Houston
    Devotionals,  Faith,  Family

    You are a Vineyard Waiting to Happen

    [This is an excerpt from Bobbie Houston’s (of Hillsong notoriety) beautiful book Stay The Path. I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I loved Stay The Path, and highly recommend it, especially if you are in ministry. It is truly beautifully written. I chose this section of the book because I thought it could apply to so many of us, and was so true!] You are a Vineyard Waiting to Happen You are a vineyard with endless vines within your sphere. If you are facing challenges within the “vineyard of marriage,” an ocean of good people exist who can speak into your life and give you solid biblical…

  • Devotionals,  Faith

    Quieting My Mind

    Quieting My Mind [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Paige Magee. When Paige sent this devotional in, I instantly connected with it. Sometimes, it is so hard to shut off our busy minds. Thanks, Paige!] “Dear God, I desire to sit in silence with You, but I’m bringing a lot of noise along with me. Please help me set my thoughts aside. I give them to You, so I can hear You.” I remember being on a retreat in college when the leader told us to find a spot and take an hour for quiet reflection – pray, read and listen. I remember taking my Bible upstairs and…

  • Leslie Uffman
    Devotionals,  Faith,  Health & Body

    Grateful for My Body

    Grateful for My Body [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Leslie Uffman, who has an amazing fitness and body confidence story to share today! Leslie competed in triathlons (insert horror face emoji, then two “100” emoji’s here), but still wasn’t happy with her body. Read on for how she became grateful for her body!] “LESLIE, YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!” It was May of 2015 and I had been working toward this finish line moment since the summer of the previous year.  For anyone who doesn’t know what an Ironman is, it is a long distance triathlon that combines a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and…

  • Devotionals,  Faith

    The Proverbs 31 Superwoman

      The Proverbs 31 Superwoman [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Remi Roy — the second in her series of devotionals on people in the Bible! Please do check out the first, Priscilla and the Art of Focus. This one is a bit more general as it focuses on the Proverbs 31 Superwoman. You know her! Read on for Remi’s thoughts.] Have you ever read Proverbs 31 and thought “What is she? Superwoman?” I’m guilty too. When we read about the Proverbs 31 woman (or the Proverbs 31 Superwoman) and compare her life and the things she accomplishes to our own struggles and fumblings, we just might get…

  • Ana Nunez on Devotional Diva
    Devotionals,  Faith

    Fully Known & Truly Loved

      Fully Known & Truly Loved [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Ana Nunez. When Ana sent this post in, I just felt it had to go up right before Easter! On Easter Sunday, I like to think about nothing else but Christ’s love for us all. Ana’s post sums it up so wonderfully. Thank you, Ana!] “To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known & truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles…

  • Devotionals,  Faith

    Finding Peace During Loss

    Finding Peace During Loss [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Ivy Michelle. It is Maundy Thursday. I had Ivy’s beautiful post on grief and loss scheduled for today before I even realized this. When I did realize it, I thought that it was a perfect fit. When I go to Maundy Thursday services, they are always very solemn and moving and truly make me feel grieved.] It is popular belief that cloudy days make people sad and depressed. People tend to spend more time inside on cloudy, rainy days. While on sunny and bright days, people are more active and spend more time engaging in outdoor activities. It’s amazing…

  • anxiety in a christian woman's life
    Devotionals,  Faith

    Anxiety in a Christian Woman’s Life

      Anxiety in a Christian Woman’s Life [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Melody Quinn. I really appreciated Melody’s outlook on anxiety in a Christian woman’s life and I hope you do, too. We have a few posts on Devotional Diva on this topic, because it is not uncommon and certainly nothing to be ashamed of! Be encouraged.] I am a Christian woman who has struggled with anxiety all of my life. It has only been in recent years that I have begun to explore my identity outside of this statement. In my search to understand my identity as the Lord created me, I began to look at how anxiety…

  • Doubt

    The Certainty of Not Knowing

    The Certainty of Not Knowing [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Rebecca Lynn Scalf. When Rebecca submitted this post, I told her my brain works in exactly the same way. If you struggle with doubt, this is for you!] I’ve been troubled lately by my cynicism when I read through the Bible. I read about Peter being rescued from prison by angels, and I think, “That’s a convenient cover story for a prison break.” I read about Samson’s mother, barren and hopeless.  An angel told her she would have a child.  I wonder if maybe she made up the whole thing. In my imagination it’s like a Hollywood plot line.  In…

  • Lovers Loving Others
    Devotionals,  Family

    Lovers Loving Others

    Dustin and Jennifer – Lovers Loving Others [Editor’s Note: This is a guest blog AND video blog by Jennifer Lee (the video is also by her new fiance, Dustin). Jennifer contacted me to show me her proposal video and it was so cute, I did die a little. Dustin did a really great job! Jennifer is sharing their beautiful courtship story below!]    Dustin and I went on our first date on September 24th, 2014. We had met in the mission field several months prior and we decided to take a step forward to get to know each other. He took me to a secluded beach in Malibu where we shared…