• 100 counting
    Devotionals,  Faith,  Family

    $100 & Counting

    $100 and Counting This time I made sure the shower and music were on when I began to sob.  I did not want my son to hear me from outside the bathroom since his room was right next door.  As I stood directly under the shower head I cried, cried, and cried some more.  I was tired, exhausted and at my wit's end.  All of the bills were overdue and I was already robbing Peter to pay Paul.  Unfortunately, Peter was broke now too. 

  • atmopshere
    Devotionals,  Family

    Change the Atmosphere of Child Chaos

    “Jesus, I thank You that You love Joelle so much.  She is so special to You.  I thank You, Holy Spirit that You work in her heart.  Please help her to obey Mommy and Daddy; it makes You so happy when she obeys.  Please make Yourself real to her.  Thank you for my beautiful little girl.  She is such a gift to Daddy and me, and we love her so much.  Thank you that You have such good plans for her.”

  • Devotionals,  Family

    Life Lessons from Children

      [Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Paige Magee. Welcome back, Paige! Now that my son is two, I am learning more and more from him! Paige is spot-on in her post today about life lessons from children.] “A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires.” – Paulo Coelho Anyone that knows me knows that I absolutely love children. I always have. I cannot wait for when I become a mother. Well of course I can wait, seeing I’m single and should probably…

  • no fairy tale marriages
    Devotionals,  Family,  Relationships

    No Fairy Tale Marriages

    [This is a guest post by Melody Quinn. As a fellow Disney lover, I’m completely on the same page as Melody. Honestly though, even if I didn’t love Disney, I think I’d agree with this marriage advice! Thanks again, Melody, Bravo!] No Fairy Tale Marriages My childhood was filled with Disney movies and fairy tales. I read and re-read books full of original and modern fairy tales. I re-watched every Disney movie a hundred times, and still watch them to the annoyance of my husband. I used to attend dances and banquets with my imaginary prince. My childhood room was plastered with Disney posters. My own choice, my mother likes…

  • Foster Kids and Garbage Bags
    Devotionals,  Family

    Foster Kids and Garbage Bags

    A good friend of mine, Emily, is currently in the process of fostering and adopting two children. Through this process, she learned more about the foster care system and how scary it really is for the kids. Emily and her family felt led to start a project to fight a huge problem they saw: When foster kids are taken from foster house to foster house, most of the time, they just have to put their few belongings in garbage bags. So the project aims to put together duffel bags with items foster kids might need, like hygiene products, towels, clothes, books, stuffed animals, etc. Here is the link to the Davis Family Project.…

  • staci frenes
    Devotionals,  Family,  On Writing

    Getting Through Rough Waters — Staci Frenes Q&A

    [Editor’s Note: Hey divas! Spring Break is over! Today I’m sharing a Q&A I did with Staci Frenes, a musician and author! She just released her ninth album, Unpathed Waters, Undreamed Shores and is the author of the book Flourish. Thank you for sharing with us, Staci!] MW: Wow! Congrats on nine albums! How does this one compare to the first? SF: Thank you for inviting me to come and share on your fabulous blog! Well, my first album was right out of college. It was a hodge-podge of songs, style-wise, and all over the map. Pop, country, folk. You name it. Listening back now, there are a couple of gems I…

  • Devotionals,  Family,  That Military Life

    Marriage Honesty

    Marriage Honesty [Editor’s Note: I had the awesome opportunity to do a Q&A with Molly Reed of the husband/wife music duo Grayson|Reed. They are honest in their songs and have a strong marriage message that I love. Here is some backstory on Grayson|Reed before we dive into the interview… Mike and Molly met their first week of college as entering freshman at Nashville’s Belmont University. Over the next 10 years, the aspiring artists floated in and out of one another’s social circles, gradually building a unique friendship that eventually became a strong relational foundation when they started dating in 2012. The following year, they said “I do,” and two years later, they…

  • Devotionals,  Faith,  Family

    Do Not Worry

    Do Not Worry [Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Rachel Myers. I so appreciated how candid she was in telling her story. I loved the style of this post and could relate to it so much — sometimes that worry just takes over! Thank you so much for helping spur other women forward, Rachel!] Matthew 6:25-34 New International Version (NIV) 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or…