Storms of Life
Storms of Life
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by contributor Holly McConnell. I love this quote: “Allow Jesus to shine in your dark times even in the midst of your storm. He is there! And he is doing BIG things!” AMEN!
Have you ever been caught in a lightning or
Storms of life! We face many different challenges. Some that knock us off our feet and others that prepare us for what is to come. Some aren’t so bad and sometimes in the end they turn out beautiful or we find beauty. However, they can also leave us broken, destroyed, and sometimes ruined. Just like any storm…damage happens! So, what do we do when we enter a season of life with storms?
We embrace our Father, cling to
In Romans 5:3-5 ESV:
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance
, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
We suffer and go through stuff because of sin. We were born sinful, dirty. And God allows us to go through these things, BUT he is going to produce something in us. And it’s going to give us endurance, character, and a hope. Our sufferings are not caused by God. We make our own decisions, which lead us to these sufferings. He already knows what is going to happen, but he allows us to learn and build ourselves through these storms of life. I know we don’t want bad things to happen, but we want to grow closer and stronger in him. So, sometimes we have to go through the tough, dark times.
I have been suffering with a pain for over a year. Doctors can’t seem to pin point a cause. I have prayed, prayed, and prayed some more. I have gotten upset, cried, and still don’t understand why? BUT, God is building me and forming me. He is using this to help me understand. We all go through things, but I’m using it and producing something in you.
Yes, we’re going to get boo-boos and yes we’re going to have accidents and problems, BUT God is still at work and is preparing us. Creating something new within us.
Storms of life are going to be hard. There are going to be days that test you, hurt you, and completely change you. These might even turn into days, months, years. But God has us! And he is building something in us. Your story, your testimony, it speaks wisdom and shows who God is and what he can do when we give ourselves to him. We must share our battles, storms, hardships….whatever you want to call them! Even if you’re in the midst of one. Share your heart with others so they can see what work God is doing.
In Psalms 107:29 ESV, He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. This applies to us. He can make the storm be still because HE is in control. Pray for God to reveal his will, to help you to understand, and to prepare your heart for this time or season you are going through or might go through. God has you and whatever you are going through. It might get dark and it might seem like no light is around… but think about the storm at the beach. The lightning filled the sky and produced light. We are never alone. He is the light that is needed and given. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 ESV
Allow Jesus to shine in your dark times even in the midst of your storm. He is there! And he is doing BIG things!

Holly McConnell is from Northeast Tennessee where she resides with her husband and two kids. She serves in her church as the women’s ministry leader and assistant youth director. She writes weekly on her blog at about connecting scripture and words from God to mom life, adventures, and battles that she personally faces. Instagram @hollymcconnell87
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