• Devotionals,  Faith

    Give Life To Your Dreams

    [Guest Post by Dawn Wilson. Even though we have many mutual friends, we actually met in Chicago at Nancy Leigh DeMoss’s first True Woman Conference. After we were formally introduced through Pam Farrel, we became friends and learned to encourage each other in our writing. She has known me since before I was published–and is a real and true friend. Please welcome her today.] Over the years I’ve discovered dreams don’t just “happen.” Three sets of choices helped me gain clarity and move forward and give life to my dreams. They can give life to your dreams too. First, stop comparing and start accepting God’s design. We are not wise,…

  • Devotionals

    Pursue A Dream

    [Guest Post by Alexandrea J. Wilson. When I met Alexandrea through social media I wasn’t expecting to find such a warm-hearted person. She seriously exudes (is that a word?) self-confidence and passion (my kind of girl). I hope you’ll welcome her once again as she shares about which dream to pursue.] I have a confession. Sometimes I can feel really lost. I mean totally and completely lost. Not the lost where you need to turn on the GPS to find out how to get where you’re going. I mean the lost where I have so many passions, so many ideas, so many questions, so many desires that I don’t know…

  • Devotionals

    I Am A Dreamer

    [Guest Post by Ronel Sidney. I can’t even remember how we officially met, but I remember when she offered to let me come and speak at Praise and Coffee in San Diego, CA. We became great friends because of our drive to further God’s kingdom, love for others, and writing. I love that she is a dreamer, and knew she’d be the perfect fit for this month’s theme.] I am a dreamer! I dream about having more babies. I dream about writing a book. I dream about my husband and me leading a Bible study together. I dream about moving up within my company. I dream about buying a house.…

  • Devotionals,  Faith

    New Theme for April: Pursuing Dreams

    This April I am introducing a new theme on pursuing dreams. When I was in my early 20’s, I had a dream about my future. I was at a concert and I had a brochure of people’s pictures and where they would end up in 20 years based on the choices they were making today. I hoped to see my picture, and when I did I was immediately excited. In my picture, I saw that I was married and we had a daughter. I couldn’t wait for this dream to come true. I became very frustrated when the years 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 went by with no…

  • Relationships

    Living Together As A Step Family

    [Guest Post by Jeanne Cesena. I’ve known Jeanne now for many years through our mentor Pam Farrel. She and her husband have an incredible ministry to step/blended families. If you are the person who thought you’d always marry a pastor–you have to read her article!] In a Step Family, there is at least one spouse that has gone through a divorce. It’s like throwing everyone in a microwave and turning it on high. Divorce was a very hard season in my life.  My ex husband and I were on staff at a church as worship leaders and youth pastors. My ex began to do drugs and sleep with women. Pastors…

  • Faith,  Relationships

    Living By Myself

    [Guest Post by Jessica Baumgardner. Jessica and I connected on Facebook and I asked her to write a piece on living together by herself. She thought I was crazy, but I’m so glad she did! She has a big heart and has been through a lot. I think we could all learn a lot from her, actually!] I have always believed in God my entire life, but I never had a relationship with Him or even knew what that meant. I was forced to go to church when I was younger and I did not understand anything about it. My parents finally stopped making us go once I got to…

  • Devotionals,  Relationships

    Living Together: In Sickness And In Health

    [Monthly Columnist – Wendy van Eyck] – “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galations 6:2 (ESV)” My husband and I started living together on the 16th of April 2011. The same day that we stood in front of 30 friends and family, and promised to love and honour each other, for better and for worse, in sickness and in health. Moving in with my new husband, was great fun, and for us fairly easy. There were unexpected things: disagreements about whether the bathroom seat should be up or down, about where it was appropriate to cut toenails, and how the chairs should be arranged. Of…

  • Health & Body

    The Sirens of Anxiety

    [Guest Post by Abby Norman] – It feels like a siren, coming at you as you drive through your day. Maybe you are headed to work like you always are, listening to your favorite radio program, maybe it is the weekend, you are headed nowhere in particular but hope to land some place special. Maybe you are driving around and around your block because the baby in the back seat refuses to sleep any other way. It doesn’t really matter where you are driving, what you are doing. You hear the siren somewhere in the distance–and you wonder if it is coming for you. There are days when I am…

  • Health & Body

    On Depression: A Wounded Healer

    [Guest Blog by Sonny Lemmons] – “I’m going to start you on this, at a low dosage, and I’d like to begin seeing you twice a week.” Wait – what? No. No! See, that’s not how this was supposed to turn out at all. Physician, Heal Thyself! It was my second semester of grad school. My degree was counseling based, so the university required students to sit in on one counseling session, as a patient, in order for us to begin to hone our listening skills. I figured I could just learn how to parrot the appropriate times when I’d need to nod my head, look concerned, or interlace my…

  • Faith,  Health & Body

    Suicide And Depression

    [Guest Post by Karen Neumair] – I like to run. Notice I didn’t call myself a runner, because that would imply that I am actually good at it. Me and my 13-minute mile–look out, world! Most people assume that I started running to lose weight, and I tend to let most people think that. Because the real reason is a lot less glamorous, a lot darker. I started running to beat depression. And not just your average, run-of-the-mill depressive episode that many of us experience from time to time, but the more sinister, dark-night-of-the-soul depression, the kind where you don’t remember to eat, you don’t have the strength to get…