I Love You (but you love me more)
I Love You (But You Love Me More)
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Melissa Merrett, who is bringing even MORE music to Devotional Diva! Melissa is sharing about her intimate songwriting experience as a Christian musician. I’m so grateful to be exposed to and to be sharing these wonderful Christian artists with you recently and I hope you enjoy their work!]
I sat down at my piano to do some songwriting one morning. The birds were chirping and I had just boiled the kettle and poured myself a nice hot cup of tea. As I was sipping my tea in the silence of my bedroom at the piano, the Lord began to speak to me. If we just ‘tune in’ and silence out the other noise He has easy access to our spirits. I felt Him speak about intimacy. As I was sipping He said, “Just like you catch up with your girlfriends for a cuppa, this is how I like to spend time with you too. I created intimacy.”
So I sat there having a cuppa with Jesus, just as if I was talking to a close friend of mine sharing about the things on my heart. In between sips of tea, I started to twinkle on the piano keys and the lyrics started pouring out just like tea pouring out of a tea pot!
“Sitting here with a cup of tea, pouring out my heart and all my dreams, it’s how you made intimacy…”
I felt His deep call to my deep, so my deep called to His deep (Psalm 42:7). I started to write the chorus and express my love for Him.
“I love you, I love you Lord.”
But then this revelation dawned on me and I heard Him say… “But Mel, I love you more!”
I thought of the verse 1 John 4:19…
“We love because He first loved us.”
This love that I felt came from Him first. He is the Creator of love and He has loved me first and more than I could ever comprehend! Wow! What an amazing God to love me before the beginning of time, before I was even created in my mothers womb. So the rest of the chorus was written.
“But you love me, you love me more…”
He continued to speak to me about friendship but also the intimacy shared between a husband and wife. It made me reflect on my own marriage and just how it should be the exact representation of Jesus’ and his bride. The lyrics in verse 2 describe how two people in a healthy loving covenant relationship should be.
“When I am weak you are strong
You’re love for me makes me go on
You are my peace
You never give up on me
So I’ll never give up on you
You are the love of my life.”
I realised that in true intimacy you don’t give up on each other and when one person is weak the other one is strong. Except, unlike us human beings Jesus is always strong and will never give up on us and because of this He is our peace.
All of this revelation had my heart bursting and my eyes in tears. How could I ever go another day without your presence Jesus?! I almost felt a bit of conviction. He is my best friend and deserves to have my full attention everyday. Especially over a cup of tea! Let alone I never want to be without His presence ever! So the bridge flowed…
“I won’t let another day go without you Jesus
I won’t let another day go without your presence.”
I’m not even sure if I finished my tea that morning. It probably went cold from being distracted with so much revelation and love from Jesus! I know for sure now that every cuppa that I make from that day forth is a cuppa with Jesus. I will cherish every moment with Him. I am blessed to have a God who loves me more than I could possibly understand or know, and nothing can ever take that love away from me (Romans 8:38-39).
Love Mel xx
Listen to the song here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fw3Fu53C5JI
Get the album here: https://itunes.apple.com/au/album/roar/id1173112580
A worship leader from Adelaide, South Australia, Melissa is a passionate singer/songwriter. With the belief that overcoming trials gives the value of empathy and a strength of authority, her special gift brings healing to the whole person through beautiful and powerful music. Follow Melissa at: www.facebook.com/melissamerrettmusic