Spiritual Self-Evaluation
After spiritual evaluation comes a renewed focus to live for Christ. How, you may ask?
Are We Running to Win?
We know God by obeying Him and disciplining ourselves to walk as Jesus did. But please remember, we must rely on the Lord’s help!
Diva Christmas 2018!
really can't believe that I've been able to do this for five years! If you've seen any of my commentary on past year's series, you know I just love Christmas. And I love doing our Christmas series.
We Are Not Invisible
I woke up today and I felt small and insignificant. Why? It happened when I fell into the trap of comparing myself to others.
What to Wear
But more than the cost of removing the robes of our old nature, it is important to recognize that it cost our Lord Jesus Christ everything—His life for ours at Calvary—so we could have access to this Royal Wardrobe.
It’s Time to Be Kind to Ourselves
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Balancing Motherhood
Now ask yourself whose measure of accomplishments are we attempting to live up to?
Storms of Life
Allow Jesus to shine in your dark times even in the midst of your storm. He is there! And he is doing BIG things!
Show Me Your Fruit
I thought I did the right things but didn’t know I had to bear fruit.
September 11th – a short devotional
I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:20-23, NIV) It’s September 11th. Currently, the Devotional Diva posting schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays. On significant days like this, I never quite know what to publish, to be perfectly honest. It’s not like this is a happy holiday or a gift-giving occasion. But it deserves some recognition. Should I post a normal guest story, business as usual? Should I write something really…