Having Healthy Relationships with Men
[Guest Post by Lindsay Morgan – My friend Sarah Martin introduced me to Lindsay. She is a very sweet girl who shares her fear of men, and how the Lord helped her overcome it! If any of you have ever been afraid of marriage–you should definitely read this one!] Having healthy relationships with men is the last thing I am qualified to write on. But. That is when the Holy Spirit can say what He really wants. If you knew my history of dating and relationships, you would realize like I did –that our Heavenly Father really does have a sense of humor. I am 36 and single, and I’ve…
Staying Together Damaged Me
[Guest Post by Anonymous – Today’s guest wishes to remain anonymous to protect the identity of her family. If you know of anyone who is suffering in silence in a marriage that is both damaging and abusive, please encourage them that they are not alone–and it’s okay to get help!] Living together damaged me. I can hear the traditionalists cheering and saying “Finally!” Hold those cheers ones of traditional leanings…you may not like what I have coming. I have a history of doing the “right” thing. In high school I didn’t drink because I played sports, and the legal age for drinking was 21, not 15, 16, or 17. I…
My Married Story Has Ended
[Guest Post by Sue Birdseye. I met Sue through my friends at Tyndale Publishers about her book When Happily Ever After Shatters. If your story has ended and you feel like a failure because of it–I hope her story will encourage you.] My story ended and began with these few little words uttered by my husband of 17 years. “I think I’m going to leave.” As our 5 children and their friends raced around us, my husband spoke words that changed the course of my life, our lives, and our family forever. The next few days and weeks were a desperate attempt on my part to convince my husband to…
New Theme For May: Broken Relationships and Breakups
This May I am introducing a new theme on broken relationships and breakups. I also wrote a new eBook entitled Loves Me Not: Heartbreak & Healing God’s Way that releases on Amazon and Barnes & Noble TODAY for only 2.99! If you’ve read Not Another Dating Book, you’ll notice I don’t talk about my story. That’s because it wasn’t until after I submitted my manuscript to Harvest House that I met my husband Marc. That’s why I’m excited to release my follow up with features including: + Why Guarding Your Heart Isn’t Enough + Can Men and Women Be “Just Friends”? + Desperate Singles + Breaking Up With “The One”…
Do Your Thing
[Guest Post by Laura L. Smith – We happen to share the same literary agent, Amanda Luedeke with MacGregor Literary Agency. She is a fiction writer for young adults and wanted to share some encouragement with you on how to dream and do your thing!] Last summer, while checking into our hotel in Dresden, Germany I had the treat of meeting soccer legend, Brandi Chastain. She had her hair pulled into a ponytail was wearing a T-shirt, athletic shorts and cleats. She was kicking a pink Nike soccer ball in the hotel lobby. Yes, in the lobby. She is the woman known for kicking the winning penalty kick for the…
Dreams Change
[Guest Post by Shannon Roy – I met her through StartMarriageRight.com an amazing site for building godly relationships. She and I have stayed in close contact ever since, and I can’t wait to meet her in person when I travel to Chicago later on this year. Also, I am excited for her and her upcoming marriage!!] A riddle for you to ponder: What is better than experiencing your greatest dream come true? Before–my answer would be a “few” dreams, but dreams change. The clouds darkened overhead the bright green fields spread out before us. Our SUV radio buzzed as we listened to the coordinates of the brewing storm. Our entourage…
When Dreams Become Reality
[Guest Post by Joanna Hyatt – Thanks to my other site, Quarter Life Conference, I got to know Joanna. She said she would be glad to share about it on her site, and one thing lead to another, and now she’s sharing an encouraging piece on when dreams becoming reality for you all!] This time a year ago, I was the Director of an established Non-Profit program with a growing national presence. The job could have been mine for as long as I wanted it, bringing the opportunity for broader influence. Yet by May of 2012, I had walked away from that to pursue a different dream. As great as…
Surrendered Dreams
[Guest Post by Rayni Peavy – I am so glad I met Rayni two years ago at the San Diego Christian Writer’s Guild. I have seen her blossom in her writing and in life. It’s so neat that she choose to share about surrendered dreams, because we don’t always see or meet a person when they’re in the season of waiting. May her story encourage you to hang in there and keep dreaming even when you can’t see anything!] I’m just like you. I have a dream. Many dreams, in fact. There are things that I long to accomplish because they make my heart sing. And there are prophecies spoken…
No Wasted Dreams
[Monthly Columnist – Rebekah Snyder – I always appreciate her brutal honesty and child-like faith. I wonder, though, has anyone ever told you that your dreams were a waste of space? Be encouraged today!] According to my co-worker, my dreams amounted to a wasted life. When I first decided to abandon everything else in order to pursue my writing dream, a co-worker decided to shower me with statistics of writers who actually “make it” in the “real world.” While his words were certainly not encouraging, I could accept them as his way of showing concern. But then he felt the need to inform me I was screwing up my life.…
The Day I Almost Quit
[Guest Post by Paige Omartian – I’m so excited to introduce you to a fellow Harvest House author (and musician). She is a young 20-something with an amazing story, which I’ll let her share with you below. Enjoy!] With every reason in the world to pursue the dream God had given me, I stepped into the infamous Music City. During my junior year of high school, my parents and I visited Nashville, Tennessee for a special week of seminars and meetings to gain insight into Christian music industry. I’d been singing since I was four years old, and writing songs since I was seven. And after battling cancer at the…