Are You a Living Sacrifice?
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by contributor Agnes Amos-Coleman. The question Agnes is posing this week is, Are You a Living Sacrifice?]
Are You a Living Sacrifice?
When I think of living sacrifice, the story of Abraham trying to sacrifice Isaac on the alter comes to mind (Genesis 22:1-13). However, I don’t think God expects us to literally lay our lives on the altar for Him.
My friends, I believe what God’s purpose for our lives when He instructed us in Romans 12:1 saying,
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship”
is to:
- Start with giving our lives to Jesus and recognize that our body, soul, and spirit belong to God
- Acknowledge that everything we have come from Him and we are only offering Him back what He gave us in the first place. These include the use of our praise, worship, time, talent, resources, money, career and business to serve the Lord.
Christ follower, ask yourself a pointed question on whether your life is a living sacrifice or not. If not, ask the Holy Spirit to help you be a living sacrifice for Him.
If you are currently not a Christ follower, life without Jesus has no meaning -so come and experience Jesus today by giving your life to Him.
All glory to God!
About The Author
Agnes is a leader with proven business acumen in a variety of industries. She holds an executive MBA from the University of Hull, United Kingdom, and is also a Certified Meeting Planner (CMP). She is the author of God Cares for Me in Every Season: Godly Insights for Singleness, Marriage and Divorce; The Provisions of God: Insights from a Cat Named Mascot, and Weekly Insights for the Workplace: A Devotional for Christian Professionals and Transforming Business With Godly Governance: Nine Characteristics for Workplace Success.
[Closing Editor’s Note: If you have any questions about accepting Jesus into your heart, or just want to talk about Jesus, as a Christian this is my duty! 🙂 I would love to help answer any questions as best I can. My contact info is below.]
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