
  • Devotionals

    Bleeding in the Midst of a Calling

    Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Ann Grace. A great devotional for you today. Have you ever had to comfort someone after a hard fall or loss? Well, I have had my fair share of “mommy moments” where I kissed a bloody booboo or wiped the tears off a child’s face. Funny thing is though, that even in the midst of my children’s intense pain, they still managed to get back up! They didn’t let the pain or the fear of failure paralyze them to stay down or quit. About 5 years ago, I experienced a calling of widowhood to which I failed miserably. The overwhelming urge to…

  • Devotionals


    Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by June E. Titus. Thanks so much for this encouragement, June! Psalm 86: 1 (Read entire chapter), O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy. I love words. Especially intriguing to me are words that sound like what they mean—“onomatopoeic” words. “Ennui” could be one of those words. It aptly describes a recent blah-ish period in my spiritual life. The word sounds—well, blah. Many excuses could be listed to attempt justification of those spiritual doldrums. But, to quote late nineteenth/early twentieth century evangelist, Billy Sunday, “An excuse is a skin of a reason stuffed with a lie.” Like a sausage.…

  • Devotionals,  Family

    Shadows: A Mother’s Day Devotional

    Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Sheila Lloyd! Welcome back Sheila. I hope that this devotional can be an encouragement to you all today. Shadows lengthen on a mid-October lawn reminding me of Autumn afternoons of my childhood and adolescence in a veritable garden of love, where kindness and tenderness cast long shadows on walls of growing maturity. The gift, not only of being loved but actually enjoyed, of not just feeling protected but also supported and celebrated, engendered confidence to fly high pursuing dreams. And when the wild blue yonder conjured up storms that tore the parachute, my parents were soft piles of hay ensuring a safe…

  • Devotionals,  Faith

    Be Not Dismayed

    Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Agnes Amos-Coleman. Thanks so much again, Agnes! My friends, as Christ followers, we are sometimes discouraged, disheartened, demoralized, downcast and intimidated by the situations, circumstances and events of our lives. All these emotions we experience fall under the definition of being dismayed. When faced with these emotions, does it mean we are not walking with the Lord or have lost favor with Him – Not so. In the Sovereignty of God, He knows you and I will be susceptible to these emotions in our Christian walk at one point or the other, so He provides us with words of comfort in Isaiah…

  • Devotionals,  Faith

    You Are Chosen Not Forgotten

    Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Tracy Acosta. I really hope these devotionals are an encouragement to you at this time. Thanks, Tracy! “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!” Isaiah 49:15 (NIV) When our own family rejects us, we will always have a daddy in heaven who is madly in love with us, our Almighty God. “We’ve already had you baptized when you were a baby! You ought to stay in this religion for the rest of your life but you chose to disrespect us, to…

  • Devotionals

    Supporting Others In the Time of Coronavirus

    First off, I hope that you were able to enjoy Easter! This is the first devotional I’m posting in 2020, for our spring session of devo’s. I felt like I should write something on here about coronavirus, just because it’s something so huge and impactful. I mean, everyone on the planet is affected. But I kind of struggled with what to even say. We live in Washington state, so we have been in a hot spot for the coronavirus for awhile. We’ve been healthy so far. I’m not that impacted, relatively speaking. I’m a stay at home mom anyways, and yeah, I have to try to educate my 4 year…

  • Devotionals

    Spring 2020 Submissions are OPEN!

    Hey Divas! Long time no chat. I hope you’ve had a great winter and holiday season. I’ve been enjoying time at home with my family and taking time to rest. I’m finally officially opening up submissions for this spring round of devotionals and inspiring stories! As of today, you can email me anytime at editor(at) to inquire or send a story in. For more details on submitting stories, please check out the Become A Diva page. I will start posting these new stories soon!

  • Devotionals

    Merry Messy Holiday | The Reason for the Season

    Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Ann Grace (please see her last Diva post for more on her journey). This is the finale of Diva Christmas 2019 – the reason for the season! Merry Christmas. I woke up this morning excited to start this new day only to find myself struggling to complete each tasks with a merry heart. You see, as I prepared to change my flannel sheets, I looked at the various patterns to chose from only to be struck with tears as I saw the sheets with vintage truck carrying a Christmas tree. Why was this such a trigger of emotions, you may ask? Because…

  • Devotionals

    Silent Night | reason for the season

    Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Sheila Ingle. This is the 5th post of Diva Christmas 2019 – reason for the season! Legend has it that we enjoy singing Silent Night, Holy Night because of a broken church organ. In the village of Oberndorf, near Salzburg, Austria, was the small Church of St. Nicholas. Some stories say that mice or rust was the cause of the ruined organ, but there would be no music at the Christmas Eve service. It was 1818. Knowing that music was an important part of worship, Parish Priest Josef Mohr took a longer way home on the icy night. The slower path took…

  • Devotionals

    Nouns and Verbs | an eternal reason for the season

    NOUNS AND VERBS, AN ETERNAL REASON FOR THE SEASON Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by June E. Titus. Here’s a great devotional to end this week’s Diva Christmas 2019 – reason for the season! Here are some of the phrases we hear as we approach the Christmas season: “So, what do you hope to get under your tree this Christmas?” “I hope the family can get together for Christmas.” “I hope this Christmas is better than last year!” Reminds me of “The Griswold Family Christmas” . . . not the kind of Christmas most of us really want as part of our celebration. We sold live Christmas trees…