Supporting Others In the Time of Coronavirus
First off, I hope that you were able to enjoy Easter! This is the first devotional I’m posting in 2020, for our spring session of devo’s.
I felt like I should write something on here about coronavirus, just because it’s something so huge and impactful. I mean, everyone on the planet is affected. But I kind of struggled with what to even say.
We live in Washington state, so we have been in a hot spot for the coronavirus for awhile. We’ve been healthy so far. I’m not that impacted, relatively speaking. I’m a stay at home mom anyways, and yeah, I have to try to educate my 4 year old more, but it’s not a burden on me. My husband works on a Navy ship, and he is deemed essential.
But we are financially secure, and I never ran out of supplies due to some planning ahead by me and also an accidental amazon order on toilet paper in January. Largely, we have been okay. Of course I worry about my husband working in such close quarters with others but mostly I’m just grateful. I know we are really really lucky.
Others are not so lucky. I say lucky because in this situation I think that’s really what it comes down to.
I know so many of our readers must be suffering, and if you’re lucky too, you know someone really suffering. This virus has done so much.
I didn’t even know what to write here – but I realized, none of us really know what we’re doing. This is totally unprecedented. SO many of us are out of work and money, sick, have lost a loved one, or are just worried about this whole thing. It’s crazy. And new to all of us.
I want to support all of our readers – I’m not really sure what I can do. And maybe you’re struggling with how to support a friend. I don’t know the right answers here.
But I think that’s okay? I think it’s okay that we are all just kind of trying our best here.
Let’s just love each other in ways that feel right. That will be unique for everyone. We are all new at this together.
Can we just be together? Does just being help?
I hope it does. I am with you, dear readers