Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me Releases Today
Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me releases today! I created a new website for Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me. At forgivingme.com, you can: + Locate bookstores are selling + Learn why I wrote the book + FREE Extras: Download Chapter 1 for free and a free eBook of all the scriptures on forgiveness from my book. Also, at www.forgivingme.com, I will soon be releasing Chapter Videos so you can go along with the Discussions Questions at the back of the book. If you’re looking to host a 7-week Bible Study on forgiveness, you will be able to soon! In my new book you can learn to forgive your past and discover your future. “I had been writing in my…
How to Move On With Your Life
One of the toughest questions to answer is how to move on with your life. Why? Because it’s both personal and painful. Unfortunately, it’s a question no one else can answer but you. I’ll never forget a few years back when I sat in my church’s counseling office. I had booked an appointment last minute because my life at that time was in major crisis mode. I never knew when I was going to have a panic attack or how long it would last. But, I remember her vividly. The lady whom I didn’t like or care for much. She was just someone who could see me at the last minute.…
Forgiving Myself
[Guest Post by Kristyn Ramsey – I always appreciate getting to know new people, stories, and faces–especially when they talk about one of my favorite subjects: forgiving myself. Please welcome Kristyn.] Struggling to forgive myself doesn’t come easy for a mistake I made. My mom used to tell me my whole life that I never met a stranger in the 24 years on planet earth. And if you meet me, that’s one of the truest statements about me. I can carry on a conversation with anyone, and that is usually to my benefit. Trips to other places were made easier because I made friends wherever I found myself. I made…
Forgiving My Molester
[Guest Post by Sarah Miller – When I met Sarah and got to know her I always knew she had a sweet spirit, so when she submitted this piece to me I was shocked to learn about the broken pieces of her past. It just goes to show you of God’s forgiving power and how, no matter what we’ve been through, we can overcome.] If there is one thing in my life that I know a lot about, it is anger. I grew up very angry because of a horrible incident that happened when I was six years old. But even the horrible things in life can teach you valuable…
Persecuted Church Video
Every Wednesday this month, I will be reposting selected videos from Quarter Life Conference. I’m so excited to be able to continue the conversation on the topic of church. As an American Christian, I believe it’s way too easy to be apathetic (lazy) about my faith compared to my brothers and sisters sufferings around the world for theirs. Moreover, I am excited to report that the second Quarter Life Conference exceeded 500 video views, which was more than our first conference! The purpose of reposting a few of the videos is to highlight a few of the stories you shouldn’t miss. Please let me introduce you to my new friends Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh…
Mind Blowing Forgiveness
Did you know Adam and Eve weren’t the first ones to ask forgiveness from God? Say what? I’m so conditioned to the story of Adam and Eve from my Sunday school days that I might have missed this little nugget if it weren’t for my husband, Marc. We were in our weekly small group Bible Study when he humbly pointed out this fact found in Genesis 3 about Adam and Eve. I was floored. Yes, Adam and Eve were the first ones to eat the apple, sin, and forced out of the garden for good–yet instead of telling God they had sinned and/or asking for His forgiveness, Adam blamed Eve and…
Forgiveness is Letting Go
[Guest Post by Suzie Eller – We met through a mutual friend of ours and found out we both wrote books on forgiveness. It is my pleasure to introduce you to my new friend Suzie. To win a copy of her book, simply leave a comment below!!!] My granddaughter Elle didn’t walk for nearly eighteen months. She held on to the wall, the coffee table, or someone’s hand. The moment that she had nothing to hang onto, she fell to her diapered bottom with a plop and cried in frustration. Just moments before she had experienced freedom. It was limited, but it worked for her, at least until her safety…
Choose to Forgive
[Guest Post by Mara Rose – I always love it when I meet new friends through other sites I write for. Please let me introduce you to a beautiful soul with a beautiful story. Be encouraged.] “I need you to know that I forgive you. I forgive you for allowing this baggage to carry over into my marriage and mental health. I won’t let our past dictate my future–a future that is so much brighter without a man like you.” These were the words that I wrote in a “no-send letter” to a verbally abusive ex-boyfriend, as recommended by my biblical counselor. It took me 8 years to realize that…
Church is
[Guest Post by Laura – When we were first introduced, her story startled me. Not only has she experienced the joy of serving God and the church overseas, but overwhelming heartbreak. If you want to read her previous guest post on anxiety, rape, and kidnapping please click here. I’m encouraged to learn that she is now safe in Ireland and still serving God. Let’s praise God with Laura today!] Church is the body of Christ–it’s about His people. Currently I’m serving in my third country, which means it’s also the third time I’ve been involved in a church in a foreign country. Each church has looked different, yet each church…
Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me Blog Tour
Welcome to the Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me blog tour! I’ve been waiting to say this for so many years, and I can’t wait to finally share bits and pieces with you on the blogosphere. + Mind Blowing Forgiveness (via iBelieve.com) + Forgiveness, A Good Place to Start (via Church 4 Chicks!) + The Greater Good of Forgiveness (via Songine’ Clark) + Forgiveness is Not The End! (via Ed Cyzewski) + Forgiveness is a Personal Choice (via Ungrind) + Review: Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me (via Emily Miller) + Prayer Changes Things (via Wendy van Eyck) + The Importance of Forgiveness and Prayer (via Dawn Wilson) + Real Reconciliation (via Daniel Darling) + Why Is…