How to Share the Gospel
[Guest Post by Gail Davis – Some of my favorite bloggers are from South Africa, so when I heard from Gail Davis I couldn’t wait to post her with you. If you struggle with sharing your faith to others, be encouraged today!] Watching the world change, people are in fewer relationships. They are isolated. This should not be the case for Christians. Jesus commands them (Christians) to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to obey Him (Matthew 28:18-20). Christians are supposed to be relational. They are to talk with people. Make disciples. And teach them. Believers often find this difficult because of the non-relational way the world exists. They…
How to Treat Your Body as a Temple
[Guest Post by Amy – I love this thought from Amy today, and if you haven’t read her first article entitled The Pit of Depression, you won’t want to miss that one either! I always appreciate it when guest posters ask to post again (hint hint).] I grew up in what I like to refer to as the “The Deep South Land of Southern Baptists”. I learned the books of the Bible, about Abraham and Moses and all the other Biblical heroes, and of course that drinking or dancing would lead to complete moral destruction. I also learned about the all important Pot-Luck Dinner. One of the main theological tenets…
Are You a Bored Christian?
[Guest Post by Y. Lola Mitchell – I met this beauty online when she asked if she could guest post for Devotional Diva. I always love meeting new people who have a heart to encourage others. Please welcome Lola!] Not too long ago I came across this devotional that I wrote to myself when I was feeling really stagnant in my relationship with Christ. Church had become boring, and I really needed a change. I lamented to my husband about my feelings and decided to get real with myself and really evaluate the problem by writing it down. And this is what came out… I recently had a thought about my…
Top 10 Christian Speakers for Women's Events
After speaking for almost 5 years, I (Renee Fisher) thought it was time to make a top 10 list of the top 10 Christian Speakers for Women’s Events! Some of you may not know, but I used to book Christian Speakers through Outreach Events. I worked with top notch quality speakers such as Kirk Cameron, Josh McDowell, and Lee Strobel. Unfortunately, I was told early on that I wouldn’t book many women speakers. I was dumbfounded when my boss was right. People would call, but they couldn’t afford to pay to host speakers such as Bethany Hamilton, Sheila Walsh, or Lisa Whelchel. It also saddened me that churches would pay the…
Daily Devotional Tips for 2014
The New Year is almost here! I wanted to share some daily devotional tips and Bible reading tips to give you a jump start to 2014, starting with 10 Tips to Renew Your Devotional Life. 1. BE A FOLLOWER. Disciple simply means follower. It’s not a spiritual term. QUESTION: You follow people on Twitter and Facebook, so why not be mindful to follow God FIRST? BIBLICAL EXAMPLE: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33, NIV). 2. DISCIPLINE TAKES TIME. Over the years I’ve discovered what works for me. Daily eVerses + Yearly devotionals + One Year Bible…
Why is it that Christians Hurt Me the Most?
[Guest Post by Mary DeMuth – If you or anyone you know has been hurt by Christians, the church, or anyone who claims to love God–please forward this to them! Be encouraged.] I wish it weren’t true. But I can honestly say being hurt by other Christians, particularly Christian leaders, has devastated me. I don’t have a category for the grief because of all the shoulds. (Those leaders should know better than to act that way. They should not have said those hateful words.) In the aftermath of the pain, I’ve not always processed it well. I’ve been angry. I’ve wanted vengeance. The writer in me wanted to craft a…
My Christian Boyfriend is Gay
[Guest Post by Brenda Rodgers – I appreciate her honesty on a topic that is super sensitive. I know she’s not the only one who’s broken up with someone only to find out that their ex turned gay. I hope you are encouraged by her honesty.] I found out a year after the four year facade. Overlooking over the railing on the second floor of the mall, right outside of J. Crew, I heard the words on the other end of my cell phone. A friend was telling me my ex-boyfriend was gay. Even though that was the not-so-secret-secret in my mind, a stabbing piercing went through my chest. I…
Mental Health Boot Camp
[Guest Post by Anonymous – My heart goes out to people who feel like they have to hide their story. Obviously it’s a good thing to protect your child(ren) or family, but I hope this person’s courage will help you find true healing in Christ.] As a mom with a physical chronic condition I am familiar with the complexities of having a demanding disease. I have long admitted that although I could see how God has worked through my physical ailment, I still did not understand mental illness. It was a world I had not been a participant of, a language I did not speak. And then my young sons’s struggles…
Host a Small Group on Forgiveness
I recently recorded Chapter Videos to go along with my new book “Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me” for those of you who want to host a small group on forgiveness. They go along with the Discussion Questions at the back of the book (pages 175-178). You can cover each chapter a week for seven weeks or space it out as you desire. Since forgiveness isn’t a fluffy topic, but weighty and often times difficult–hear me when I say this–feel free to go at your own pace. Without further ado, here is the first Chapter Video, and the rest can be viewed at http://www.forgivingme.com. Ch: 1 Video & Chapter Discussion from Renee…
When God Intervenes
[Guest Post by Dabney Hedegard – Her story inspired me and I couldn’t wait to share. Through her story, God showed me how proud I had become towards my future children. If God could allow Dabney to have her first child while battling cancer, what’s my excuse? I hope you enjoy. You can purchase a copy of her new book, When God Intervenes here.] We brought Madison home after a week in the NICU. I finally learned how to cradle and dress her five-pound preemie body without feeling as if I’d break something. I couldn’t kiss and snuggle with her enough. A week and a half after Madison’s birth, she and Jason kept…