Mental Health and the Church {With Video Links}
Recently, I attended the Mental Health and the Church Conference at Saddleback Church (#Hope4MH). The good news is that they just posted ALL the videos from the plenary and breakout sessions. You can watch them on YouTube here. If you struggle with mental health or know someone who does, please watch and share! It was hosted by the Rick and Kay Warren of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA, Bishop Kevin Vann of Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, and Steve Pitman of NAMI-OC. You can download the conference workbook for free here. According to NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), 60 million Americans experience a mental health condition every year…
Why Your Weirdness is Wonderful
[Guest Post by Laurie Wallin – I love it when I get to meet new author and speaker friends personally. She lives in the San Diego area, and it’s neat to hear her story in person. I am excited to share her story with you too! Enjoy.] Sometimes I wonder what God is thinking. (OK, lots of times.) When prayer seems to fall fruitless to the floor, when personal battles rage unabated, and I’m frustrated with something in myself, it’s easy to wonder whether God’s thinking includes me at all. When I’m in one of those modes—those “Nobody loves me. I’m no good. Might as well curl up and succumb…
When it's Easier to Declare Defeat
[Guest Post by Mara Rose – I am so encouraged by her story because someday if my husband and I decide to have kids I will have to go off my medications, and that will not be easy. I love what she says that God still performs medical miracles. Believe it! Be encouraged today my friends.] Sometimes it’s easier to declare defeat prior to trying, rather than to try and fail later. There are so many things that we can worry about in life. And our worries can be amplified when we decide to have children. This past summer, my husband and I decided that we felt ready to start a…
Lessons Learned from Fasting
[Guest Post by Elise Boggs – We met many years at North Coast Church. She worked on staff with the College ministry, and I was serving as a volunteer in the 20-something ministry. It’s pretty amazing to see how far she has come. If you find yourself like Elise, unfamiliar with fasting — I think you will like to hear her story.] Miracles do happen. Last year was a challenging year. I made the decision to leave my role in ministry, I ended a two year relationship, and I became overwhelmed with anxiety to the point of being issued a mandatory three month sabbatical by my doctor. I felt like…
As Though You Already Are
[Guest Post by Jennie Goutet – Have you ever wanted to share your story, but it’s taken you months to put pen to paper only to realize it’s more difficult than you thought? I’m so glad Jennie didn’t give up and after a few months of asking if she could share, she put herself out there and shared from the heart. If you’re struggling with being accepted as you already are — be encouraged today!] Twenty years ago, I was living in Taiwan when my younger brother committed suicide. I did not yet follow God, although I had already been invited to church in Hawaii and in Manhattan, and would…
Playing The Jesus Card
[Guest Post by Jenifer Jernigan – Like all authors meet, we met through social media. I love her vulnerability, her voice, and the desperation behind her story. I am honored for Jenifer to share her story, and if you, like her, have felt like taking your life–you are not alone! I know her story is long but please read the whole thing. You will be blessed!] The summer months found me serving as a youth intern in a local church, teaching, ministering, and loving on kids who became an important part of my life. The fall semester ushered in months of studying through the Psalms in my Old Testament class…
When Your World Comes Crashing Down
[Guest Post by Rochelle Frazier – I met her through the Top 10 Blogs for Christian Women post I compiled. She was nominated for the list, and when I looked at her blog–I knew I had to have her share! For anyone who has seen their picture perfect like come crashing down, this is for you today. Be encouraged! You are not alone.] Is it possible to arrive at the place where you stop asking, “Is there more? Should I be more?” Is it possible that your restless heart could actually find rest right where you are? Satisfied? I dare to say “Yes!” I don’t have the story of overcoming an…
Why Not Celebrate?
[Guest Post by Heather Von St. James – When Cameron, Heather’s husband, reached out to me asking if he could help share his wife’s story — I was inspired. I wish all husbands were excited to celebrate life with their wives. Today, if you are struggling with life — why not celebrate? Don’t wait for tragedy to strike! Celebrate today.] Fear – we’ve all faced a form of it at some point in our lives. I’ve learned that your fears don’t define the person you are, but rather how you deal with them. Humor is the way that my husband Cameron and I handled one of the most terrifying and…
When You Harbor Bitterness
[Guest Post by Lindsey Meeker – It’s kind of amazing how much bitterness can hinder us from God’s best — even about something as simple as going to the dentist. I hope her story encourages you to let go!] I’ve always thought that to have a real testimony you had to have been set free from alcohol or gone to jail. But. This last year I’ve learned that doesn’t mean anything. A month before I started my freshman year of high school, I visited my local orthodontist to see about getting braces. I wasn’t looking forward to it at all. I went through all of the moldings and x-rays and the…
Your Pain has a Purpose
[Guest Post by Kate Motaung – We both write for iBelieve.com and it’s always nice to share a fellow writer’s story, especially when they write about one of my favorite Bible verses–Romans 8:28. Be encouraged my friends!] I have a limited threshold for listening to the news. My stomach churns and I swallow hard as I hear story after story of brokenness. Like shards of glass pieced together, the resulting mosaic has very few smooth edges. Shards of large scale calamities. Tsunamis swallowing entire villages. Hurricanes ripping through hearts and homes. Government corruption. Human trafficking. Missile attacks. Economic instability. School shootings. All stemming from the same source — a bite…