Practicing Hospitality

During the past few months I’ve been practicing hospitality on my blog and in real life.
First, I started with letting people share their stories.
Then, I moved on to asking others to help me define the meaning of true friendship.
Next, I asked others to write and answer pre engagement questions.
Then I turned 30, and wanted to know if I was the only one who survived my 20s.
After I lost weight, I released my latest series on why I love my body and asked others to share their stories too.
Practicing hospitality means inviting, welcoming, and allowing two or more people to share with each other.
Maybe it’s bread.
Maybe it’s a story on or offline–or both.
The important factor is that you (and hopefully that person or people) are willing to give and share.

Today, I return the favor of guest posting on Emily Miller’s new blog on the topic of hospitality.
I write about a difficult–and embarrassing story of something that happened in my home. Someone who wasn’t willing to share or be hospitable back.
Maybe that’s happened to you.
Maybe you’ve hosted people who were not grateful–or worse–treated you like a non-existent elephant in the room.
I want you to know that I see you and that I care. To read the rest of my article, please click here.

I wanted to personally thank two amazing women who have opened up their blog homes to me this past week.
Allison Vesterfelt– Let me join in on a three-part series: Lies I Believed About Marriage Before I Was Married. Read what I wrote here.
Arleen Spenceley – Started a Relationship Tips series and let me kick off Tip #1 here.