Celebrating My Next Chapter {Literally}
I, Renee Fisher, asked Maggie if I could share my exciting news with you all today! Don’t worry, she’ll be back next week to continue her journey here on DevotionalDiva.com.
Today I am celebrating my next chapter {literally}. Today is my 32nd birthday and I have three B-I-G news to share!
First, I am officially no longer working with MacGregor Literary Agency. That means I am going it alone without my amazing agent, Amanda Luedeke.
I decided it was time for me to write my next chapter {literally} as a self published author. I enjoy the creative process so much, and can’t wait to see where God may lead.
Plus, if publishers are requiring authors to do all the work — why not own the rights too? Am I right?
Second, you can now purchase Loves Me Not and Dream Devotional directly through me on Amazon. And, I even lowered the price to $2.99 each!
To those who wrote beautiful reviews of Dream Devotional, would you please resubmit your kind words on Amazon? If you don’t remember what you wrote — don’t worry I saved them, and will email them ASAP.
Third, Dream Devotional will be available for purchase IN PRINT in time for the Launch Party on July 13th! {View the open invite here}.
I am jumping out of my skin of excitement. I still can’t believe the timing of everything, and on my birthday nevertheless.
If you are still doubting your dreams, I hope you dream.
It’s okay to lean only on God.
He is strong enough to save you when you fall.
I was reminded of a verse God gave me when I started Devotional Diva. I shared the verse along with an encouraging word on Facebook:
I wish our culture celebrated SMALL beginnings instead of idols, BIG breaks, or fame. Zechariah 4:10a says, “Who dares despise the day of small things?”
As I am transitioning into a new season with ReneeFisher.com, it hit me last night when people at the San Diego Book Awards Association recognized from Devotional Diva. And yet, looking back 5 years ago, I never thought I would make it this far.
I am most grateful for where God has me. I refuse to be ASHAMED, and I especially refuse to compare myself to others who are further along or experiencing a BIG BREAK. (I am also applying this to all my friends who are having babies or just had babies).
If you find yourself in transition — rejoice in the place where you are TODAY. God has plans for you. And you know what? Maybe they’re even BIG plans!!! Until then, continue to walk daily with Him hand-in-hand. He’ll promote you at the ripe time (Gal. 6:9).
I wanted to close with a poem by my good friend Teryn O’Brien entitled there must be dreamers.
there must be dreamers
in this sad, dark world,
dreamers who believe
that peace and unity and love
still exist,
dreamers that hold a candle
which shatters the darkness
of hatred and pride,
walking into the great unknown
of what might be possible.
dreamers ask,
could we?
could we love?
could we share?
could we agree?
could we agree to disagree?
could we raise above the pettiness?
dreamers are scoffed at,
but all that is good in this world
has been founded
on dreams
that once were not, but
through blood, sweat, tears,
laughter and scorn,
were drawn into existence.
dreamers are mothers and fathers,
bearing children of light into a barren world.
life only comes through
the hope,
the pain,
the joy
of dreaming.