How I Plan + Blog Planning

How I Plan + Blog Planning Tips
In today’s lifestyle post, I thought I’d share my current planner set-up with you and some blog planning tips. I thought it might be interesting, since I know there are quite a few planner enthusiasts out there!
I’m currently using an A5 Aqua Patent Domino Filofax and Month on 2 Pages inserts from the Etsy shop DearPlanner. In February, I will be using stickers from the Etsy shop MareBareCrafts — these little dewdrops are a lot smaller than the Martha Stewart comparables but are very similar and actually removable, too.
My system for blog planning is fairly streamlined at this point. I have to have a month on two pages for my editorial calendar. Since Devotional Diva has a lot of guest bloggers, I keep track of those on the side. I also keep track of my ideas for posts there. When they are finalized, I write them down on the sticker. I place the sticker ahead of time (usually at the beginning of the month) on the days I plan to blog.
Now, you may be asking…is the sticker necessary…?
The answer is that stickers are ALWAYS necessary.
Also, I do keep track of other appointments in this planner so it keeps the layout neater.
I choose what kind of sticker or label to use based on what color scheme I want. I used to always use aqua blue, as you can see, those are all gone in the Martha Stewart pages! Now I switch it up month to month.
Here’s my little pouch of planner supplies. It’s actually a makeup bag from Tarte, but I really like it and it’s the perfect size.
I also use the weekly cleaning sheets from DearPlanner. I’m still trying out how to make them best work for me.
Also from DearPlanner, here are my daily OR weekly sheets. Some days I do I have enough to fill up a whole page, or I end up using a page for a whole week. Since they are undated, it works for me. Breakfast/lunch/dinner ends up not meaning the same thing, but that’s okay.
My lovely charm on the planner is from Coach – I’ve had it for years and basically always kept it on my planner because it just makes me happy! I was able to find a similar one here.* I also always use colored Filofax paper refills because they, too, just make me happier! I do a lot of journaling in these back sections and also take notes and make lists there (ex: Christmas planning).
*Affiliate Link–Please see my disclosure on the bottom of every page of Devotional Diva in hot pink font, of course.
My favorite pens and highlighters are the Frixion pens by Pilot and have been for a looooong time. They are erasable — The only truly erasable pens I have encountered.
I hope this little look at my planning system was interesting!