How to Start Journaling
Here are a few tips on how to start journaling daily.
First, watch the video and then read the tips!
1. Start with, “Dear God” instead of “Dear Journal” or “Dear Diary.”
As I said in the video, life is busy and there isn’t a lot of time to write fluffy things or draw hearts and rainbows in your journal. Use your journal instead to be intentional during your quiet time or devotional time with God.
2. Journaling Brings Healing
I didn’t start out to be a writer or published author. In fact, I wanted to be a high school math teacher (algebra). It’s kind of cool to look back and see God’s fingerprints through the pages or my journal. Through journaling I was able to establish my relationship with God, discover my love for words, and my passion to find healing in its pages.
3. Find what works for you and be consistent
As I also said in the video–maybe journaling isn’t your thing. Then find what works for you and try repeating it every day for a month! Maybe it’s sitting down at an empty park or a crowded Starbucks. It’s not always easy to add a new routine, but if you can be consistent for about 30 days then it becomes a permanent habit.
Question: What is it that you need healing from and how can you be consistent daily in prayer and/or journaling to find what God is trying to say to you?