Merry Messy Holiday | The Reason for the Season
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Ann Grace (please see her last Diva post for more on her journey). This is the finale of Diva Christmas 2019 – the reason for the season! Merry Christmas. I woke up this morning excited to start this new day only to find myself struggling to complete each tasks with a merry heart. You see, as I prepared to change my flannel sheets, I looked at the various patterns to chose from only to be struck with tears as I saw the sheets with vintage truck carrying a Christmas tree. Why was this such a trigger of emotions, you may ask? Because…
Silent Night | reason for the season
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Sheila Ingle. This is the 5th post of Diva Christmas 2019 – reason for the season! Legend has it that we enjoy singing Silent Night, Holy Night because of a broken church organ. In the village of Oberndorf, near Salzburg, Austria, was the small Church of St. Nicholas. Some stories say that mice or rust was the cause of the ruined organ, but there would be no music at the Christmas Eve service. It was 1818. Knowing that music was an important part of worship, Parish Priest Josef Mohr took a longer way home on the icy night. The slower path took…
Nouns and Verbs | an eternal reason for the season
NOUNS AND VERBS, AN ETERNAL REASON FOR THE SEASON Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by June E. Titus. Here’s a great devotional to end this week’s Diva Christmas 2019 – reason for the season! Here are some of the phrases we hear as we approach the Christmas season: “So, what do you hope to get under your tree this Christmas?” “I hope the family can get together for Christmas.” “I hope this Christmas is better than last year!” Reminds me of “The Griswold Family Christmas” . . . not the kind of Christmas most of us really want as part of our celebration. We sold live Christmas trees…
Unlocking Christmas | The Reason for the Season
This is a guest story by Devotional Diva founder Renee Fisher! Here’s the third installment of Diva Christmas 2019 – the reason for the season! One Christmas, I spoke on the 3 Keys to Unlocking Christmas at a woman’s tea. I started with my favorite phrase from my book, Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me. “Thereis freedom from your past hurts, present circumstances, and future fears.” There. Is. Freedom. From. Your past hurts. Present circumstances. And future fears. Saying that out loud still haunts me today. Past The key that unlocks the past is forgiveness. You and I may not have a perfect past. It may not be filled with magic like…
The Good Shepherd | reason for the season
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Agnes Amos-Coleman. And this is the second post of Diva Christmas 2019 – the reason for the season! My friends, this Christmas season reminds me of shepherds who tend, feed and guard their sheep. Jesus Christ symbolizes for us the Good Shepherd. The scriptures in Luke 2:8-11 talk about the announcement of his birth “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.…
The Nativity Crèche | Diva Christmas 2019
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by Sheila Lloyd. Welcome to Diva Christmas 2019 – the reason for the season! I stand before the nativity crèche , looking at it as I have so many, many times before… Enjoying the colors, smiling at the way the expressions are carved in each face, thinking about the artist’s choice of costume. My eyes move to the center figure, the baby in the manger; and I am struck a new with wonder. That baby lying in the manger truly was King of kings and Lord of lords! In his eyes was all eternity past and all eternity future combined into a shining…
Surrender Displayed
[Guest post by Jennifer Kelly: I love Jennifer’s vibrancy for spreading God’s grace. This is her story about salvation, forgiveness and most importantly, Jesus.] I love it when other women share their personal stories of overcoming grief and pain and forgiveness. It’s like receiving a precious gift when you least expect it. When you stumble upon a story of hope in the midst of hopelessness, healing amidst the pain, or love for the unlovable, it moves you. I grab onto stories of life found in the desert, and bury them into my soul. In a world where brokenness, selfishness, and evil turn up on every street corner, I am need of…