Working it Out
When I was finally able to get the pictures from my wedding, I cherished them more than ever because they are the last pictures I have of my father.
Called out of mourning to fall at His feet
[Guest post by Sarah Coleman: I’m so glad Sarah is back to share another story on Devotional Diva! I was so moved by her piece on mourning, and hope that it can encourage you, too.] Women aren’t bullet-proof. We like to think we are. That nothing gets under our skin. But it does. There can be days, weeks, months, years when things hurt. Bad. We live in a broken world. And broken things, break things. Hurting people, hurt people. Precious ones die. Love is lost. Sometimes babies slip away before ever being able to say, “Hello.” Shattered. Completely shattered. It can cut so deep you think you will never be…