Bible Plan Recs for Fall
Hey Divas,
Can you believe summer is already over? (womp womp) Unless you’re a southern hemisphere Diva ready for spring!
I’ve been really into the Bible Gateway/Youversion App’s reading plans (not an ad, and I know many of you have the app too!) so I wanted to share some of my recent favorites. These are like little Bible studies you can do on your phone. They have devotional and accompanying scriptures. You may recall I mentioned loving the plan Soul Detox last year.
- Overcoming Fear & Anxiety by Carol Peters-Tanksley — 5 days. So inspiring. Gave me so much think about. My all-time favorite plan I’ve done!
- Overcoming Spiritual Attack by Ryan Lestrange — There’s a theme here… this one was only 3 days. I did it right after #1 because it left me wanting more! It’s interesting what the 3 attacks are.
- You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis Chan and Lisa Chan — Longer: 30 days. The devotionals are pretty in-depth and have discussion questions. It gave me different things to think about as well.
If you have a favorite Bible plan, let me know your favorites on social media or email!
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