That Military Life
My Beautiful Iowa
We are back from our trip to the states! I’m so sorry it’s taken me awhile to get back in the swing of things here on Devotional Diva. Today I wanted to share with you some pictures from our adventures in Iowa (where I am from!) There’s more to come, because it was a long trip and I have a lot to share.
5 Fresh Fall Resolutions
5 Fresh Fall Resolutions To me, September means fall. Even though it doesn’t always feel like fall immediately! I’m not in school anymore, but fall represents a fresh start for me still. So today, I’m posting five fall resolutions that I’m attempting to enact this fall. 1.Put more effort into my outfits I have really gotten stuck in a rut with my daily outfit inspiration. I’m finding that I’m wearing the same things over and over again out of laziness and boredom. There’s no fun in that. This fall, I want to try to put more effort into what I’m wearing and have more fun with it! 2. Take my…
Inspiration Lately
Hey Divas, Devotional Diva’s mission is all about inspiring women and spurring them forward, so I thought I’d share what has been inspiring me lately! I hope this can be an encouragement to you today, wherever you are! While perusing Instagram, I stumbled upon this blog post (link) by Erica Jacobs of What’s Eating Erica Jacobs. I don’t go through “High-Functioning Low-Level Panic” like Erica does, but reading her story was definitely something I could relate to. A great, inspiring read! Ferragusto fireworks! The photo above was taken from the comfort of my own li’l bed as I watched Italian Ferragusto fireworks. Ferragusto celebrates the Assumption of the Virgin Mary…
Italian Beach Day with My Boys
We took full advantage of my husband’s day off and went to an Italian beach! I love the beautiful Italian beaches and we had such a great day. I wanted to share some of our lovely day with you!
Churches Around the World: Villefranche-sur-Mer, France
Continuing my Churches Around the World Series (why not, right? I end up visiting a church everywhere I go!), today we’re taking a took at the Eglise Saint-Michel church in Villefranche-sur-Mer. During a stroll with my husband and son, we met a kind lady from Manhattan who offered to take our family picture by this beautiful tree. She and her husband regularly vacationed in Villefranche. After chatting for a bit, she said that she wanted to stop into the church and see if there was anything new going on. She offered to show us around, although it’s a fairly small church. Apparently there used to be a lot more woodcarvings and things…
July #littledivathings
Today, I’d like to share with you some of the #littledivathings I’ve been loving! These are just some of the things that have been especially useful/awesome to me this month. Disclaimer: I received a copy of Worry-Free Living. I tried to find links for things, and some are affiliate links.
German & French Food Highlights
As I was going through all of my photos from my trips to France and Germany, I noticed I took a lot of photos of what I ate. Like, way too many too include them in the original Devotional Diva posts that I did about the trips. So, I decided to save them and do a post to include my favorite food photos! Hopefully this is at least interesting for all of the foodie Divas.
Berlin, Germany #DivaTravel
I’m back with more German adventures! Today I’m sharing our day trip to Berlin. We spent a lot of time walking along a path learning about the Berlin wall and seeing where it was, until we ended up at the memorial and the Chapel of Reconciliation. It was a cool experience. We also stopped at a large grassy area with lots of grafiti where Oliver ran around and played. He loved it! We also walked around Museum Island later in the day!
The Stages of Post-Vacation Grief
The Stages of Post-Vacation Grief I was inspired to write this silly little thing after returning home from my vacation to Germany. This seems to be what I go through during Post-Vacation Grief (totally a real thing) and I thought it would be fun to share since I’ve been traveling so much. Without further ado, my stages of Post-Vacation Grief… Excitement: As I’m in the car headed home, the baby is totally passed out. I’m really tired but really excited to get back to my life. Ah yay, my own home! I have so many ideas for Devotional Diva! I have so many ideas for the house! I’ll reorganize my…
Kiel, Germany: Kieler Woche! #DivaTravel
As I promised on Instagram (not following the Devotional Diva Instagram? Follow this link or search @devotional_diva), I’m sharing photos from trip to Germany! This is going to have to be broken down in to more than one part. Too many pictures! Here, I’m just talking about our time spent in Kiel for Kieler Woche (Kiel Week!) It’s a huge sailing festival and it was a ton of fun. Here’s a glimpse at our adventure.