5 Fresh Fall Resolutions
5 Fresh Fall Resolutions
To me, September means fall. Even though it doesn’t always feel like fall immediately! I’m not in school anymore, but fall represents a fresh start for me still. So today, I’m posting five fall resolutions that I’m attempting to enact this fall.
1.Put more effort into my outfits
I have really gotten stuck in a rut with my daily outfit inspiration. I’m finding that I’m wearing the same things over and over again out of laziness and boredom. There’s no fun in that. This fall, I want to try to put more effort into what I’m wearing and have more fun with it!
2. Take my vitamins š
I’m really blessed to have good healthcare. I struggle with migraines and saw a neurologist while we were still stationed in San Diego. He recommended several different vitamins to take to help deal with the migraines. I’ve kind of been slacking on taking all of the supplements because there are just so many pills to take it gets tiresome! I should do it, though. I need to get back on track!
3. Continue “write every day habit”
After reading The 8-Minute Writing Habit, I decided to start implementing some of its ideas this fall. I’ve already started with writing just 8 minutes a day every day (which is really not scary at all and really effective at getting writing done every single day!). There’s other strategies in the book that I hope to add on so that I can write more consistently again.
4. Up my skincare game
So I think I take pretty good care of my skin and I don’t have much trouble with it. But I’d like to take even better care of it. Namely, at night. From what I’ve read, that’s when your skin does a lot of its regeneratingĀ and it really soaks up moisture (I’m no scientist, here is an article I found explaining that (LINK). I’m also not affiliated with Dr. Gross, I just think he probably can do a better job explaining than I can!)
5. Use Instagram Stories more
I’ve started using it a little bit…on the Devotional Diva instagram (@Devotional_Diva) I shared the Italian Ferragusto fireworks I could see from my balcony. I’d like to try to get into it more, and I hope that when I do, you’ll watch and hopefully like it!