
  • Devotionals

    When life isn’t how you thought it would be

    When Life Isn’t How You Thought It Would Be (Warning: some TMI body stuff here) Hello again ♥️ Now that it is well and truly summer, I am beginning a new series, Spiritual Summer Sundays. This is a devotional by me, (THE Devotional Diva) Maggie Winterton. If you’d like to share your story here, email me: I have to say my life is not the way I would’ve pictured it would be at age 31. Perhaps that’s not the most elegant way to state it, but there it is. I never, ever in 1 million years thought that I would have virtually everything I ever wanted, but be crippled…

  • Devotionals,  Faith,  Family,  Health & Body

    An Empty Easter (Renee Returns!)

    Editor’s Note: An Empty Easter is Founder Renee Fisher’s return! Thank you Renee for this guest post! Remember, Divas, submissions are open INDEFINITELY 🙂 “Then he was afraid, and he arose and ran for his life…and came and sat down under a broom tree. And he asked that he might die, saying, ‘It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life, for I am no better than my fathers.’”  1 Kings‬ ‭19‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭ESV Elijah didn’t have the strength or the patience to continue. He thought his life was over. So he ran to an empty cave and asked God to die.  “God has a different read on the whole situation.…

  • Devotionals

    Guest Writers Wanted!

    Friends, It’s finally time. I’m opening up guest stories/devotional submissions. lf you’ve been hanging with me here while I took some time for healing, thank you. You are a blessing. I hope I can bless everyone with fresh encouragement in 2023. We mainly post written testimonies, devotionals and personal stories here on Devotional Diva. However, I’m always open to other types of art! If you have a story to tell – and i’d bet you do – please take a look at our submission guidelines at this link. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED 🙂 You do NOT need to be a professional. If you’re ready to talk about guest writing, please email…

  • Devotionals

    Merry Christmas 2022

    Editor’s Note: Merry Christmas, Divas! I’ve been saving a devotional as a surprise for this Christmas. I hope your Christmas is full of love. -Maggie Three Special Gifts: A Christmas Devotional by Manndi Maphies Wilkins. Follow her on Facebook here or Instagram at @Manndi8867 When the ornate Magi we read about in Luke Chapter 2, presented the Christ child with three rare gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh, what was the symbolization of each? Did they expect a more royal and noble birth when choosing these expensively thoughtful presents? Were they surprised when they witnessed a baby, in a bundle of hay, lying in an animal’s feeding trough…in a barn? The…

  • Devotionals

    Christmas is Canceled – And I think that’s okay

    Divas, I set a pretty rigid theme for this year’s Diva Christmas Guest Post Series, and I ended up not getting enough completed submissions 🙁 I’m sorry that we don’t all get to read a few Christmas devotionals this year, but honestly…I think it was God saying “no” to Diva Christmas 2021. I’m at the end of what I think is so far the worst year of my life (not proud of that, just for context) and I am EXHAUSTED in every way possible. God alone is how I’ve made it this far. I think He’s just trying to help me and take something off my overfilled plate. And i…

  • Devotionals

    How Do You Celebrate Christmas? (Diva Christmas 2021)

    Happy Fall, Divas! The last post I wrote ended on an uncertain note, so here’s an update on my mental health. (PS I have a few more updates on FB and IG!) I’m doing better with medication and staying in touch with my support system (LOVE my supportive family and friends!!), but still definitely struggling. My husband came back for a break, but he had to leave again. I hired a nanny, and it helped relieve so much stress, but she quit and now I have to find a new one. It is one step forward and one step back, sometimes. Overall, I feel stronger and I feel like I…

  • Devotionals,  Health & Body

    The Rat’s Nest

    I have a rats nest in my hair. I remember one time my hair got so tangled, all because I would just add dry shampoo and quickly run a brush through my hair – not really brushing it out. Then just put it up in a messy bun. This was during my husband’s first time away from me with the military and I was super depressed. I started neglecting my self-care. I started neglecting myself (and my hair) again, and that’s why I have this rats nest. Do my kids look a mess? Does my house? No. But I do, and more importantly, I feel like a mess inside. I…

  • Devotionals,  Faith

    What Easter Means to Me

    “Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:15-16 I love a low-key Easter. I’m all about spending the day at home, opening baskets, doing an egg hunt indoors right away, and tuning into a service on livestream…in pajamas. Maybe we’ll have quick cinnamon rolls or monkey bread — when I was little my mom always made us little sausages for breakfast on Easter. We’ll get dressed eventually, and play with our new Easter stuff. Maybe get the kids dressed up cute for…

  • Devotionals,  Faith,  Family

    After Death Comes Life

    I launched Devotional Diva as a single person in 2009 under the name Renee Johnson. It was my dream to use that platform to get noticed and become a published author. God knew. A few months later, NavPress signed me for my first book, Faithbook of Jesus, a 365-daily devotional. It released one year later while the ink was drying on the trademark I purchased for Devotional Diva.  Talk about a whirlwind.   I experienced tremendous growth as an author those first few years as well as personal. My first book sold so well that NavPress signed me for another book. Then the economy tanked.  It was a God-sized miracle that Harvest House signed me for…

  • Devotionals

    The Promise and Puctuality of Easter

    Resurrection Sunday reminds me that God is not only a promise keeper but is perfectly punctual in His sovereign timeline over history and my own story.   Keeping a promise years ago may have looked like a pinky swear when we were little girls or even keeping a secret told to us on the middle school playground. Today, my three-year-old daughter promises me on a nightly basis that she will stay in bed after I put her down… but I know better! Her promise-making is on point, but she has not yet perfected her promise-keeping skills!  As a woman who follows Christ, I must place unwavering trust in my promise-keeping God…