Christmas is Canceled – And I think that’s okay
I set a pretty rigid theme for this year’s Diva Christmas Guest Post Series, and I ended up not getting enough completed submissions 🙁 I’m sorry that we don’t all get to read a few Christmas devotionals this year, but honestly…I think it was God saying “no” to Diva Christmas 2021.
I’m at the end of what I think is so far the worst year of my life (not proud of that, just for context) and I am EXHAUSTED in every way possible. God alone is how I’ve made it this far. I think He’s just trying to help me and take something off my overfilled plate. And i am sure grateful.
My husband will be home around Christmas to begin shore duty (finally!) and my kiddos and I are so ready. I will come back next year after recharging!
Merry Christmas!