Monday Meditations #5 – Your Situational Comedy

[Guest Post by Lindsay Morelli] – I love watching situational comedy on TV.
Not because of the great writing, or the relatable characters, or the not-so-relatable characters, but because for 22 minutes I am reminded that it’s entirely normal for our lives to become comical chaos.
Each Monday morning the world wakes up to a brand new week; another chance at fulfilling our purpose in life and hopefully avoid any conflict or obstacle that comes our way.
If you are smiling after that last sentence, you know that the perfect week is a rare occurrence.
You have a great week at work, but your toilet overflowed and flooded your bathroom. The research proposal you wrote was given a grant, but your friend dropped your iPad and now the center of the screen is engraved with a design you can only explain as an “abstract accident.” You finally found the perfect couch for your living room, but you can’t get it into your apartment building.
For us, watching Ross and his friends attempt to carry the couch up the stairs was highly amusing. For Ross, all he ended up with was a broken couch and $4 in store credit.
When we find ourselves in these situations, we forget who is writing our script: The Greatest Writer of all time!
He also knows how to write the perfect situational comedy.
Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I have set the Lord always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken. ~ Psalm 16:5
Whether we feel our daily lives are written well or that we are constantly living in a gag reel, remember who is always before you.
Today’s episode could be your favorite. If not, there is always tomorrow!
Lindsay Morelli is a future choral music educator by day, a singer-songwriter by evening, and a writer when time allows. Visit her website for information on her music and writing.