Looking for EASTER submissions!
Happy New Year, Divas! I’m opening up submissions again, and I want to make sure we have plenty of time to organize a great new series for EASTER!
I’ve never done an Easter series here on Devotional Diva, simply because I didn’t feel led to. This year, I do. Easter is the most holy holiday and I want to honor it this year with a series of devotionals leading up to Easter. I’m hoping I can get the series started around-ish Ash Wednesday. As it’s my first year doing this, and I’m not sure how much interest I’ll have with submissions, I’m going to play it by ear 🙂
I have a theme for you to write on (or create in another way, like music or other art) if you feel called. I’ve done this theme for Christmas, and I think it’s the best theme for our first Easter series. Think or pray on the question, “What does Easter mean to you?” and see what kind of devotional you can come up with!
Submissions are open NOW. I will keept them open at least 2 weeks. Check out our Become a Diva page for more info and common questions – and you can always email me at editor@devotionaldiva.com