June Editor’s Note
I wanted to open June with a quick note from me. I don’t check in enough, and take a backseat to editing instead.
2018 is really turning out to be a year of surprises and uncertainty for me. I really thought I knew where this year was headed, and I’m completely wrong. We plan and God laughs, right?
Without going into tons of details in this short post, stress is high. My grandmother suddenly died. My husband’s deployment is ever-changing and lengthening. And I am continually reminded of God’s commandment to rest. I may need to put less pressure on myself as I tend to do.
Even though my grand plans for this year may not be working out how I’d like…well, I’m not the one really writing the plans here.
You might have noticed I updated the DevotionalDiva logo and theme! That’s part of the #Diva10 DevotionalDiva 10th anniversary celebration. I’ll have more to share with you when DD actually turns 10 in the fall.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6