I Love My Short Body

[Guest Post by Leeann] – I am exactly five foot tall and I have always hated my short body.
I have hated my toes that are funny and irregularly shaped. I blamed my legs for my lack of height.
Every year I was the shortest in my class.
I try on pants at most stores and they are far too long.
Forget shoe shopping–my funny toes make this a near impossible task.
I can keep going…
Everyone says to read Psalm 139 to remind yourself of the wonder of your body.
I cannot tell you how many times I read those exact words. They meant nothing to me. The words that were meant to heal–actually hurt me–or at least I thought they were hurting me.
How could I be fearfully and wonderfully made when there was clearly so much wrong with my body?
Even though those words came from scripture, just reading them would not be very helpful.
I read my high school physics book many times and cannot remember any of it now. I had to believe those words and recognize the truth.
I had to desire to change my perspective. I had to admit I was wrong.
After much prayer and time, I am able to see how wonderful these legs are.
I read, really studied, my Bible. I didn’t limit myself to the verses I thought would help me. This deep search taught me several things that transformed my view of my body.
Look, there on the mountains, the feet of one who brings good news, who proclaims peace! Celebrate your festivals, Judah, and fulfill your vows. No more will the wicked invade you; they will be completely destroyed (Nahum 1:15).
Beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.
Not how beautiful are the feet that wear expensive designer shoes. I share the good news in my writing, by my words, and by my actions daily. Feet that travel far are going to be calloused, scarred, and dirty.
These could be seen as problems or proof that the feet are doing their job properly. If my feet help me go where God leads, that is far more important than fitting into the latest trend in footwear.
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).
In this instance, handiwork does not refer to just some little thing that was made with one’s hands, but a special project. God took the time to make each and every one of us into masterpieces.
Without even saying a word, the beauty of our bodies can reflect back to God.
I am not just a show piece for a museum, but a living person.
My feet are just two of the many tools God has given me to complete the mission he has for my life.
Now, when I look at my feet, I do not dwell on the scars or how my toes look.
They are much needed parts of my body. The body I have been given is no accident. My body is exactly how it is on purpose. My short legs mean that I can bend down quickly and easily. I can play games with my students. As I work in the place that God has prepared for me, I am acutely aware of just how well my legs and my feet are just right.
God does not make mistakes.
I do not understand why my toes are the shape they are or why my legs are the length they are. I have seen enough evidence of his goodness in other areas of my life that I can trust His decisions about how to create my beautiful body.
All of my body is beautiful.
I may not always see the beauty, but it is there.
Leeann spends her days with preschoolers and her nights writing stories. While both these passions fill her heart with joy, her first love is her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Her writing can be found at leeleewrites.com and in an upcoming ebook.