God Likes You! (+Giveaway!)
[Guest post by Sandi Krakowski: This is an excerpt from Sandi’s book #BEMORE. I picked out this section to share with you because I think it’s important to remember that truly, God likes you!]
Your thought for today: God not only loves you, He likes you.
He doesn’t look at us as sinful, disgusting people, but as tender children He loves and adores. After all, He sent Jesus to give us all we need and to fix our mess. He’s not mad at us! He is for us, not against us. He delights to give good gifts.
Yes, He has feelings and is hurt very deeply when we ignore Him. His greatest desire is to see us live in favor, grace, peace, and power. It is important to him that we know how much He cares about every single thing, every detail of our lives.
He created us with all the love he has in Him and though we may disappoint him, it’s not about getting angry. He just wants the best for us, and when we take our eyes off of Him, we make it difficult for Him to lead us to the abundance He has set aside for us.
I truly believe that one of our deepest needs is not only to be loved but also to be liked. The reality of our relationships is that we can absolutely love someone while not really liking them. You see, loving someone is a deep and abiding thing that allows us to have care and concern for their well-being. It is what keeps us connected. But, liking someone means that even with their flaws we enjoy spending time with them. We seek out their company and find our interactions with them rewarding and enriching.
It is possible to love your sibling who has brought pain to the family and dislike their behavior and life choices. In those cases, we don’t really get enjoyment out of spending time with them. On the flip side, we can like the coworker we have lunch with every day or our college roommate who is a lot of fun without ever developing feelings of love toward them.
When we get to like the person we love, it creates a whole other dimension to the relationship. The things you do together mean more because you like and love one another.
The great news is that God doesn’t just love you because he loves all of His creation unconditionally. He really and truly likes you, too. He went to great effort to create someone very special and you mean a lot to Him.
Stop listening to those who do not teach the true nature of God and who are controlling, scaring, and threatening people into submission. This is a tactic of the enemy to keep us from fulfilling our purpose. Keeping us afraid of God prevents us from seeking Him and His guidance for our lives.
The enemy knows that with one glimpse of the deep, deep love of God all the darkness begins to disappear. It’s absolutely amazing what happens when one human being realizes they are loved by God and He’s not mad at them.
When you know this truth, no matter what happens in your life, you can take comfort in the knowledge that God is on your side. My friends, this is the key to BE MORE.
This is an excerpt from Sandi Krakowski’s best selling book, #BEMORE: 77 Secrets To Your Powerful Life. You can order that here: http://TheBeMoreBook.com Used with permission, all rights reserved.
I’m giving away a copy of #BEMORE to the Divas!
All you need to do to enter is answer a question in the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is US-only and will run for one week. I will contact the winner.
Sandi Krakowski is a popular social media influencer, author and speaker who is passionate about teaching how faith works in the workplace, and how that alliance can effectively help anyone run a successful business and have an incredible, meaningful life. Sandi has spent more than two decades working successfully in online marketing and business development. A noted Facebook marketing expert, she was named by Forbes as a “Top 20 Online Marketing Influencers of 2014,” “Top 20 Women Social Media Influencer” and a “Top 50 Social Media Power Influencer.” She has helped build 11 notable companies by utilizing her experience in eCommerce, Internet marketing, direct response marketing, publishing, book creation, copywriting, sales and management, team development and leadership.
Disclaimer: I recieved a free copy of #BEMORE so that I could pick out an excerpt to share with you!
photo credit: Hilltop Dreams via photopin (license)