The fresh new future of Devotional Diva

Oh my goodness, is it June already?
This is my first official post on Devotional Diva as the new editor!
In my first “letter from the editor,” I explained why I felt so compelled to say something about the end of Devotional Diva.
I wanted to take this opportunity to explain how I see the new future of Devotional Diva.
I understand that most of you don’t really know me at all.
That’s why I will be using most of this summer to let you get to know me!
I’m mindful that summer here in the US can be pretty busy for many of us, so there will be only one post per week (on Tuesdays). And I’m going to write most of them to introduce myself better! When things slow down closer to fall, the posting frequency will increase.
So, I hope that you will feel comfortable with this change as you learn more about me this summer!
In the meantime, feel free to follow me and my crazy kitties on instagram:
And don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to Devotional Diva so that you won’t miss a thing!
There are some other changes that I will be making in my new role as editor, too.
I am opening up Devotional Diva to submissions other than written essays. This means that you can now share your story in other artful ways, such as photographs or a video. For more information, please visit the new WRITE page.
Speaking of videos, there is now a Devotional Diva YouTube channel! I will be posting videos there beginning very soon. I just need to get a little more comfortable with everything myself first 🙂 I’ll let you know when I work out a schedule for the channel, but until then, please subscribe to the Devotional Diva YouTube channel here! You will be the first to know when a new video is up.
Other than that, Devotional Diva will largely stay the same. I want to add to this great community, not take away.
I see Devotional Diva as a Godly force for good on the internet. It will remain the respectful and positive community that it always has been. The goal here is to help spur women forward (Heb. 10:24) by sharing our stories with each other.
I also want to note that I am so blown away by the support you all have given me since Renee announced that I would be the new editor of Devotional Diva. I can’t even tell you how good it feels to hear your well-wishes for me as I begin this journey. I’m so thankful that Renee trusted me to take this over, but it’s so amazing to me that the readers trust me too.