Be Wise – Give Generously!
[Editor’s Note: This is a guest post by Agnes Amos of “A Cat Named Mascot” fame. It may be October, and while Americans typically reserve November to focus on giving, I say it’s always a good time to reflect.]
My friends, GIVING is one of those sensitive topics that rubs many Christians the wrong way. I know this because I was one of those Christians. Over the course of time, the Lord ministered to me that there is wisdom in giving and using our resources to propagate the work of God. The starting point is giving our lives to Jesus (John 3:16), which provides us with a simple, but irrevocably true, message of the Gospel.
As I reflected on the above Scripture, the following emerged from my thoughts:
• Giving is a privilege – the God, Who created and owns the heaven, the earth and underneath the sea, is able to rain down manna from Heaven, does not need your money or resources, but is interested in your obedience so He can bless you in return (Luke 11:28).
• God uses our obedience to set the stage for receiving our blessings – when we obey and give, we are promised more than what we have sowed. Imagine the God that can make you reap where you have not sown. Your giving allows God to touch and bless every area of your life – health, marriage, children, relationships, finances, career, businesses, emotions and so on (Luke 6:38).
• God uses our giving to mitigate our risk from the devourer – how cool is that! I know of many people who earn a lot of money but are unable to account for how they spend it – they never have enough. I also know of others who earn so little but have more than enough to make ends meet. Whether you have a financial expert helping you manage your financial portfolio or not, you are assured of Gods promises to help prevent ungodly influences from devouring your resources (Malachi 3:11).
• God uses our giving to teach us wisdom – when we give, God gives us ideas, inspiration, knowledge, and understanding that will enhance our success professionally and personally in our environment. This includes learning how to budget, save money, conduct successful business deals, help others in need, inspire and influence others, build better relationships and live debt free (James 1:5).
Friends, be encouraged. As I have chosen to use my resources to honor God, my life has been transformed spiritually. This has emboldened me to continue to trust Him for the impossible in my life.
Christ follower, Be Wise – Give and continue to give generously and watch God amaze you in every area of your life. If you are currently not a Christ follower, come and experience salvation today through Jesus Christ, and as a bonus He will teach you how to be wise with your resources.
Agnes is a leader with proven business acumen in a variety of industries. She holds an executive MBA from the University of Hull, United Kingdom, and is also a Certified Meeting Planner (CMP).She is also the author of The Provisions of God: Insights from a Cat Named Mascot, Weekly Insights for the Workplace: A Devotional for Christian Professionals
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