The Calendar – a devotional
Editor’s Note: This is a guest submission from our dear friend June Titus! Thanks so much for sharing your stories with us, June!
And he appointed certain of the Levites to minister before the ark of the Lord, and to record, and to thank and praise the Lord God of Israel: I Chronicles 16: 4
What sort of gift does a family give to aging folks who seemingly have no needs of the usual birthday or holiday gifts? When my parents were living, this question always came up with me. Now that my husband and I are “aging folks,” our family most likely asks the same questions, especially since we are newly weds with a blended family.
This past Christmas we were pleasantly surprised with one of the most unique gifts either of us had ever received: a calendar. This was not just any calendar; it was a beautifully done calendar chronicling our family life since we had begun dating some years ago. There were pictures of when we had been together at events with my husband’s family, and at events with my family. As well, there were dates recorded for everyone’s birthdays (including the pets), anniversaries, and holidays. There is plenty of room to chronicle our events throughout the year. It can serve as a mini-diary for us. We can record social events, vacations, luncheon dates, and when we entertain family or friends.
In this fast-moving society sometimes we forget the need to record the events of our lives. Suddenly the day is upon us and we are not prepared. Did we send a birthday card? When were our friends here for dinner? What time are we supposed to meet someone? This calendar allows us to pencil in a planned event, and then to change it to ink after the fact. The older I get, to more important that becomes.
One of the many reasons I love reading the Bible is that it chronicles the lives of the Family of God. In the pages of scripture I learn about the beginning, all thepeople in between, like Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Elisha, Jonah, John theBaptist . . . Then I read about our Savior—His birth, His life, His death on theCross for me, His resurrection and ascension. And—put this on your calendar—His coming again!
But no, we do not know the date of his coming.[1] Yes, we believe His promise. He will return. I was looking at some puffy clouds in the sky today, clouds that reminded me that He will return the way He ascended to Heaven.[2] It is a good thing that we do not know the Day of His return. If we did—if we could put it on our calendar, we would not do as He bid us—to go into the world about us and share the Good News of our redemption. We would not have our priorities straight.
For the special days on our calendar we prepare. Is it a celebration, a trip, a matter of sending a gift? One the other hand, to prepare for Christ’s return is a daily preparation. We prepare our mind by studying about Him in the Word of God and getting to know Him; we prepare our hearts by becoming more and more like the one we have met in His Word; we prepare our lives by our faithfulness and diligence in leaving no opportunity to slip by to honor Him and share Him with our world. We prepare for that Day by praying, “Thy Kingdom come . . .”[3] and “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”[4]
As we enjoy looking at the pictures in our calendar—a record of our lives together, it is a beautiful reminder of the things recorded in God’s Word, and the anticipation of Christ’s return.
[1] Matthew 25: 12-13[2] Acts 1: 6-11 [3] Matthew 6; 10[4] Revelations 22: 20