Summer/Baby Break
Devotional Diva is now on summer/baby break!
Initially, I intended to keep working on Devotional Diva (scheduling posts, etc.) right up until I gave birth. I was very gung-ho. I’m not due for two more weeks, but I just need to take some time for myself now. I didn’t know how I would feel being so hugely pregnant since this is my first baby.
I am tired. I am very tired, and very sore. I get a lot of contractions that can be very painful and sometimes even regular. But, they start and stop. It’s been hard to know if sometimes if we should head to the hospital or not! My doctor said the start and stop pattern can happen, and the baby could come at any time now. I’m not sure I will really know when it is the time!
I still plan on announcing when the li’l Devo is born, but I wanted to have this post to explain that there will be no more regular posting for a couple months. I’m hoping to bring guest posting back in the late summer or early fall. Like I said before, I’m new to this mom thing, so that could change. I will definitely keep you updated. By the way, you should follow the Devotional Diva Facebook page for updates!
Don’t hesitate to email me. I’ll still be responding to emails while DD is on break, but it may take me a little longer to get back to you. Please still email me if you’re interested in guest posting when we return…I have begun a list of people!
I want to thank you so much for supporting Devotional Diva! See you later!