Let Your Light Shine
[Editor’s Note: Today I’m thrilled to share a Q&A with actress, model and filmmaker Miranda Cobb. She is a woman of faith with big dreams! I hope her story inspires you. Thank you, Miranda!]
MW: What do you feel is your calling or mission in life?
MC: The mission God has for me is being the light and vessel to ultimately shine in one of the darkest industries- the media.
MW: Are there any moments in your life that stands out as forming that mission or calling?
MC: I went to a Talent convention a couple of years ago that was centered on Christ. It was really profound, in terms, of letting your light shine in a way that most followers of Christ are afraid to do.
MW: Are there any people in your life that guided you or shaped your dreams?
MC: My parents have really impacted and shaped who I am. They will never stop laying their lives down for me and will continuously pour into my life so I can pursue my dreams. There have been days where I don’t know which way to turn or what to do, but my parents have always guided me in the way of righteousness which I will always be grateful for.
MW: How did you become a Christian? Could you share some of your faith story?
MC: I’ve grown up in the church and never really was intimate with God up until I was 16. I went to a revival at my church and was instantly filled with the Holy Spirit. The tangible presence of God changed my life and the realness of his Spirit keeps me waking on the path with Jesus.
MW: What would be your ultimate dream come true in terms of work?
MC: My ultimate dream is to be a Travel Show Host, as well as, to be a worship leader. The word of God says people perish from the lack of knowledge and we must stand on the promise that He will finish the good work He started in us!
MW: Can you tell us about any current projects?
MC:As of right now, I don’t have any current projects; I am graduating with a degree of Telecommunications and Film at the University of West Florida this spring.
MW: Is there anything else you would like to add about your story?
MC: I encourage those as followers of Christ to not be afraid to let your voice be heard in a dark world. People need to be loved and be told the truth about God. Without you, who will do it?