Guess What? God knows technology!
Editor’s Note: This is a guest story by June Titus, a veteran Diva writer. Thanks for sharing again, June!
The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29: 29
Human beings, ever since the creation, have been trying to find out things. They found out about fire; discovered time; discovered out how to make a wheel; invented the boat; figured out a microscope, and found germs; a telescope, and learned that the earth rotated around the sun; and introduced modern technology…and everything in between.
God has known these things all along, allowing these secrets to be unveiled over the centuries. The more we learn, the more we understand that we know very little. There’s lots more out there to learn. It is like God is saying something like, “It’s for me to know and you to find out.”
I’m glad we have technology. Without my computer, I would never be able to go to college online. I went to a brick and mortar college for a couple of semesters more than thirty years ago, but now I am going exclusively on the computer. That is good. But it is also a bit challenging.
Case in point: I am not good in math. I have trouble keeping my checkbook balanced. Now I am studying a freshman level math course, and it’s not a pretty picture. One assignment this week was to put a lot of data in a prepared template regarding three potential job offers. It was long and detailed, with figuring everything from cost of living, cost of relocation, income taxes, retirement savings, health insurance, as well as salary expectations. I would get one section finished, save it in the computer and start another, only to lose the one I had just entered. I lost it four times. I emailed the professor, but it always takes her a day to respond. Guess who was totally frustrated to the point of tears.
I sank to my knees, certain if God didn’t show me what to do, I would fail the course. No sooner had my plea escaped my lips than I knew exactly what to do. Simple. Write the thing in a document and scrap the template! Worked perfectly. I told you God knows technology.
That may seem to be a small or frivolous thing to pray about, but I know that God answers prayer. He delights in showing us what He has known all along. When he created this universe, He knew all the things humans have discovered, invented, or built since then. There is nothing new to Him. Yes, we need to find cures for diseases, vaccines to prevent them, fixes for social problems, ways to reduce crime, get the right government for the nation, or a myriad of other things. We need to pray for these things. All of them.
Let’s go back to the discovery that the earth orbited the sun. Copernicus, in the 15th century, had conjectured that the earth revolved around the sun. Two centuries later Galileo, in using the telescope he had developed, confirmed the theory. He was a believer in God and was fascinated by the beauty of God’s creation. God gave him the intelligence and interest in science to find out how it worked. Perhaps in his searching he realized that he would have opposition from the Church by bringing to light what he had learned. But the truth was right before him. And yes, he was excommunicated for what he learned. But what he learned has led to the explosion of discovery and today’s technology. A matter of humans finding out what God has known all along.
The little bit I am learning in Math, Science, and my other college courses is but a drop in the ocean of what there is to be learned. But I can rest assured that God knows technology and He knows me. Intimately.
June Titus is a retired nurse and poet and mother and grandmother, living with her husband in southern Georgia. Now in her eighties, she remains active in her local church. Among other church responsibilities, she teaches a Sunday school class of her peers. She writes a weekly blog on Facebook, entitled “Monday Musings.” Prior to moving to Georgia, she was a regular contributor to “The Watauga Democrat” newspaper, and “all About Women,’ a monthly magazine, both in Boone, North Carolina.