Faith in What We Cannot See: Short and Sweet Christmas Devotionals
[Editor’s Note: This is a Christmas guest blog by Maggie Meadows Cooper. Don’t be confused — this post isn’t by me! This is another Maggie with a toddler! This is day 9 of Diva Christmas Short and Sweet, where all of the devotionals are under 400 words! I wanted to make it easier and quicker to connect with the Lord during the bustling holiday season. Here’s links to day 7. day 8.]
Faith in What We Cannot See
My three-year-old climbs in bed with us and asks for chocolate milk when she gets up in the morning. Same thing every day. But one morning, I couldn’t find a clean cup. I chose instead to use one from the night before that had water in it. I rinsed it, poured the milk, poured the syrup, shook it all around and headed back upstairs. As I arrived, she asked, like she does every morning, “Did you shake it???” I told her I did and climbed back in bed with her. But instead of taking the cup and drinking, this is what went down.
“Noooooo! I want chocwate miwk!!!”with tears and screams. I was left dumbfounded, wondering what in the world had just happened. I had told her it was chocolate milk and that I shook it.
And then it hit me. She didn’t see me do it. She saw the cup and thought it still had water from the night before.She pushed the cup away, making a sticky mess in the process. I held her as she cried and screamed for what she wanted, not trusting that I had already taken care of what she needed and knew what was best for her. I was about to be beyond frustrated, when the Lord opened my eyes to the lesson He was giving.
Isn’t it just like us to ask for something from the Lord, but because we can’t see His work, doubt His goodness and His plan? We refuse his “cup” for us because we believe it still has the “same old thing” when He has already filled it with something so much sweeter? Then we push Him away, making a huge mess in the process?
When the angel of the Lord told Mary that she was going to have a child, even though she was a virgin, her response was mind-blowing. She responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” She didn’t laugh or make fun of him. She didn’t fret or cry or run away. She reacted in faith and waited in expectation of what was to come.
This Christmas, remember Mary’s unwavering faith in the midst of the unknown.
Believe that there is a Savior who will do what He says.
Trust that there is a God who will hold you and never let you go.
And wait patiently, in sweet anticipation, of what the Lord has in store for you.
“For faith is being sure of what we hope for, and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 12:1

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